This ad has been showing on TV a lot lately even though it’s one year old. I must say it’s the best out of all the Cheyef 7alak videos.
This ad has been showing on TV a lot lately even though it’s one year old. I must say it’s the best out of all the Cheyef 7alak videos.
I love the GT3 drifting scenes… I think the driver can ‘yshouf 7alou’ with this kind of wicked driving!!
And by the way, watching this ad makes me wana drive ‘crazy’… 🙂
they should have sown more accidents or dangerous situations to scare people from doing it , not dare devil stunts to make it look cool
Ehhhh rony 3am bi chaffit, cheyif halak ya wozz?
What’s up with all those motos going 3akes el seyr tfouuuuuuuuuh malla balad baladkon
loooooool, “el taree2 la bayye…” “shere3 el baba”.