There are probably two or three Kaak places on my way back home every day but I rarely pass by them. However, whenever I’m headed North, South or to the Bekaa, Abou Arab is a must-stop. It’s the first thing that comes to mind whether we are going on a road trip, attending a wedding, going to ski or to the beach, or just visiting friends.
I don’t know how Abou Arab became so popular but I can think of 5 reasons:
1- Their Kaaké is always hot and fresh.
2- Their Kaaké is delicious and fulfilling.
3- Abou Arab is very affordable (Kaak prices range from 1,000LL to 6,500LL)
4- Abou Arab branches are perfectly located, on both sides of the highway, whether you are headed North, South or to the Bekaa.
5- The staff is very friendly and the service is super quick!
The only downside is that Abou Arab is not the cleanest of places but that’s how most Kaak places are and trust me, you will forget that as soon as you taste their Kaaké
My favorite are the Picon and Zaatar, Kashkawan and Zaatar and Labne with Zaatar. The chocolate is really good too. Sometimes I just order a plain Kaaké.
The Abou Arab branches that I’m aware of are located in Tabarja, Choueifat and Aley.
there’s one near my orphanage in Mansourieh, going up towards Beit Mery it’s on the left…across from the former Putt Putt/Splash Land. There is also one I believe on the Damascus Hwy at the Qab Elias intersection. Always been a great diversion when we’re tired of manouché.
“The only downside is that Abou Arab is not the cleanest of places but that’s how most Kaak places are and trust me, you will forget that as soon as you taste their Kaaké”…..Seriously, Nagib??
اكلت 5 مرات من عندو
اول مرة لقيت كعكة كلها نمل……..عالزبالة
تاني مرة لقيت صرصور عم يغزدر……….صريخ وعالزبالة
تالت مرة لقيت دود………زبالة
رابع + خامس لقيت نمل……………………………..توبت خلص
There’s one in Minieh, about 10 minutes north of Tripoli.