This girl is getting sillier by the day. Check out below her response to my earlier post.
hey u,
u r pretending to be so open minded go nd see ur singer half naked on tv is this acceptable with theire vulgarity bahaviour nd worst no voice, take this also people drunk in the middle of a swimming poole .take this what bout the copy past of haifa or donno who what bout egality that u r talking bout, what bout the freedom of each person that ur r asking for so an advice go nd take care of ur own business nd stop gudging other look at urself before nd at the miror see maybe u need some botox or silicone to look better or u have to put some of in ur brain to think better at the en i m lara kay i represent myself i m not even proud to represent u sik minded here i am here i will stay nd guess what i hate as much as u hate me kisseesssssssss to all my haters nd remember (i think so i am )
Have a few drinks and then watch her videos, you will laugh your ass off!
I like her videos, I find her strange and out of it but it’s why I watch them. I also don’t recall another Lebanese video blogger so she’s the first and the fact that she doesn’t care what other people think about her says a lot.
Not giving a damn what people say about you is one thing and posting such a silly reply is another. I like the fact that she’s video blogging but she’s acting like a complete idiot.
“maybe u need some botox or silicone to look better or u have to put some of in ur brain to think better”
She’s telling us we need botox or silicon?? does she have a mirror at home? wtf?
Her reply is even funnier than her videos!
Il faut de tout pour faire un monde.
this quote applies
as to: Soit belle et tais toi: well, the first part doesn’t really apply
Keep going Lara Kay, we need a good laugh in such a fucked up country
I think it’s kinda funny…
I think it’s a language issue, her English is probably not that great
Men aya day3a jeye I’d like to know
She’s a riot..
i wonder if this is meant to be (a series of) jokes(hmmm..)
in the end, i really could not decide: is it ME or is it HER??
but most important, is all that worth the analysis..
i like the sheep though
I wonder why ur giving her so much importance and ‘coverage’
Najib probably likes her
I don’t understand why you are picking on her. There are millions of videos on youtube..
Just let her enjoy herself and do her thing
dude, if you find her that silly, stop promoting her videos and linking to her every now and then.
Kell el banet in this country sayrin like Lara kay that’s the point ,cheap , shallow ,illiterate people ,most of them are Lara kays and worse ,instead of being the opposite
i think you found Mrs. Loughat
Thank you lila for saying that
Girls like Lara Kay are promoting the bad reputation of lebanese girls!! that may not bother some people but i am certain all smart and “not shallow” lebanese girl ( eza ba3ed fi ) are ashamed of those “things” and what they represent
I wish, no, I hope this is going to turn up being some cleverly planned advertising strategy. Nothing else would be a good enough excuse.
loool Ali!
actulally one would think that once you get over her bad english, silly approach, and cut off all the blabla you might end up getting the “message” or whatever her reply means.. well, bad news: it’s totally nonsense, unless there is some kind of coded secret message for aliens or.. dunno, i just cant get the fact that this lady seriously believes that each of her videos has a message for our society! anyways maybe there is, but it’s so hard to understand what she’s actually saying between the bad lip job and poor english!
ladies and gentlemen… meet Mrs. Loughat. Hellowzzz Aabbas! You’ve got some real competition!