The first time I heard about Foursquare was when Chahe posted about it back in May 2011. I downloaded the application two months ago and started using it since then.

For those who don’t know about Foursquare, it is an application available to users with GPS-enabled mobile devices, such as smartphones. Users “check-in” at venues using a mobile website, text messaging or a device-specific application by running the application and selecting from a list of venues that the application locates nearby. Each check-in awards the user points and sometimes “badges”. [Wiki]

However, someone needs to update this definition on Wikipedia because it simply doesn’t apply to Lebanon.

In Lebanon, Foursquare users:
– Check in at roundabouts.
– Check in at different tables in the same pub (No bathroom check-ins though).
– Check in “Bi 3aj2it Dbayye”.
– Check in a pot hole.
– Check in their salon, bedroom, balcony etc …
– Check in other people’s houses. (Someone checked in at my place twice and I can assure you he wasn’t there).
– Check in and leave tips such as the one shown above.

Even better, a guy checked in at 10 different places in 5 minutes. I asked him why and he said he horns every time he passes by a place, so he’s allowed to check-in. WTH?

I thought that’s how people use it but it just didn’t make sense after few days. Added to that, this abuse of Foursquare is unjust to those who really check-in at places like Roadster and Crepaway where you can get desserts or coupons when you become the mayor.

I don’t know how Foursquare people can solve this abuse, but I suggest they start by not letting people add random places and put them under moderation, or assign few superusers in each country to moderate tips and new places added.

Until then, let me check-in at my boss’ desk, become the mayor and kick him out.

See Also:Brosli