Cartoon by MayaZankoul
A post I wrote few days ago about the Lebanese Politicians being the least trustworthy in the world turned into a debate on the electricity in Lebanon and the Energy Ministry.
Someone mentioned that the daily electricity cut off times have decreased in the past few months in Lebanon and that we are getting 20 hours per day of electricity in areas like Jounieh. I can’t confirm if what they are saying is true, so I thought I ask the blog’s readers to leave a comment on the post stating the number of electricity hours they get along with their location.
That way we’ll get a general idea on whether there’s an improvement in terms of electricity hours or not.
16 to 20 hours per day. Jbeil
Big improvement in koura area… Been about 72 hours with no more than 10 hours of cutoff…
If we are getting 20 hours of electricity per day why are we paying the generator (moteur) guy between $85 and $100 for each 5 amperes?!?!
I can’t give you a specific number but I live in Baabdat, and we are most certainly not getting 20 hours of electricity per day. (And for those who might argue that I’m out all day and wouldn’t know, my mother is a stay at home mom so she would know.)
Actually today when I woke up (9am) it was generator electricity til around lunch time. The EDL electricity vanished at 6pm. You do the math.
the improvement started about 10 days ago of course the generator bill will be high because its for september not october
21-22 hours here in Ras Beirut
It seems to be better where we are in Hamra. 21-22 hours a day.
16/20 hours/day Baabda
during Eid we had 3 days nonstop
I live in jounieh and getting 20 to 24 hrs sometimes 2 days in a raw
its been 10 days as ppl noticed including me
sorry for the frequent replies cant delete my own comments
so yesterday they cut off only 1 hour exactly from 9 till 10 am
and today from 6:00pm till 9:30pm just came the electricity ya3neh just to be more accurate
khalas l mohemm t7assanit msh mashkal
Guys the reason for this is probably because it’s not the summer anymore, during which electricity consumption usually peaks, resulting in more power cuts. Are you sure you did not get the same amount of electricity during last winter/fall season?
thats the reason for sure but as far as i remember last fall we didnt get THIS much electricity not 20-24 or 2 days in a raw
A minimum of 18 hours of electricity and sometimes 20-21 hours in Ain Saade
mansourieh too
I Just knew that in sin el fil (Horsh tabet area)From Wednesday to Monday (today) there have been only 1 hour of electricity cut off(they have their own generator that turn on automatically when the power shuts down and its hour meter shows only 1 hour)
generator turn on automatically ?? how??? you have triphaser ??
Yep, it is for the building (Private building)
Living in meten area, the electricity did improve and the generator invoice got lower. But not up to 20 hrs/ day! Not yet
this month it should drop, because the improvement started from October 1st
Hi this nice blog. Thanks for sharing useful information.
I like this article keep it.
20 Hours + in Maten Dbayeh .