Lebanese Minister of Telecommunications Nicolas Sehnaoui just tweeted from Cyprus that changes were done to restore the connection back to normal in Lebanon. This doesn’t mean that the IMEWE cable malfunction was fixed but that we were able to route our connection through a different line until the problem is solved.
It’s too early to tell but we can only hope it’s true. It’s good to see the parties concerned following up this matter properly, even if we shouldn’t have had an internet outage in the first place.
Update: Mobi is working now but 3G has been disconnecting for the past half hour.
Update2: According to Sehnaoui, Cyprus has agreed to give us 10 Gbps free additional bandwith until our problems are resolved.
ana reji3 meshe l internet 3nde ta2riban normal
Since when such an announcement is made by the minister private tweet/webpage/facebook account !!! It is like we should thank him personally while it is in his job to do it!
Enno il est branché ya3né..
وماسك القصّة كلّا لايÙÙ٠عالهوا Ùˆ وااووو يعني..
lésh ma bi ghayyer hal soura,
mbayyan mitl el صوص
دخيلكن، ليش بيقولو “يلØس قبرص” بهيك Øالة؟؟
If you follow him you will know the updates faster, or you can be free and refuse following and know the info either from ur friends or from the official announcement of the ministry. All politicians in the world from Obama to Abu El Ayneyn have now their own twitter accounts and u r free to follow or unfollow any of them, it is ur decision.
Tweeting is just for the sake of functionality and speed in a 21st century.
They also like to rant against him cause he’s an orangé
oui, oui, enfin, “tuitteur”.. c’est a la mode, non?
dis-donc, ce n’est pas lui qui a inventé le internet? et l’a importé au Liban?
et puis orangé ou dérangé.. SS..
Received a Msg (SMS) from him yesterday, waaa33ww thank you sehnnaoui!
ughh… give me a break -_-
for gods sake lebanese dont appreciate ANYTHING at least his doing his job and FIXING things UNLIKE other ministers pfff
if he doesnt fix u say “he’s not doing anything” and if he does u say “waaa33ww thank you sehnnaoui!” being sarcastic
Someone give the minister the Order of the Cedar award.
Nicolas Sehnaoui
For people asking about redundancy, last week we concluded 5 months of hard work and negotiations to ensure a redundancy which did not exist.
Redundancy plan still needs to go through gov procedure for final approval. But this technical error beat us in timing.
This Redundancy plan will safeguard Lebanon from any similar issues. I will keep you all updated on its progress in the coming weeks
Alors c’est le nouveau porte-parole du Grand Vizir??
ok. so 5 months in hard work (profit margins calculation), and God knows how much $$$pent in “hard work”, and this is the result. Efficiency redefined. Great.
I came across an interesting article from the Cedarcom blog written ONE YEAR AGO, that i would like to share with you:
It contains some interesting facts about how things go around behind the scenes of MOT.. (and an interesting solution BTW.. ONE YEAR AGO hehe.. i wonder which expert was negotiating what with whom..for FIVE months..)
It seems the government new way of doing business was tested on EDL first (success: Loan$$$$$ Granted Yipeeee..), and is now being applied for Internet Service:
1- Propose an illogical and exorbitant solution for the service, and promise improvement.
2- Choke the service لتطلع الصرخة.
3- Get the plan approval مع Øبّة مسك and a big Thank You Robin.
..why am I not surprised.. it is the same trough :O|