I must say I never thought I would hear the term ‘Zouzou Ebba’ mentioned in an English or French sentence. Turns out I am wrong and it has become a term widely used even by “les gens chics”.
In fact, while enjoying Mzaar intercontinental’s open buffet on Saturday, I overheard a little boy telling his brother in English that he did a ‘Zouzou Ebba’ with his bicycle the other day on a dangerous road and his brother answered him back in French saying that ce ‘Zouzou Ebba’ etait facile a faire.
Maybe we should integrate the term ‘Zouzou Ebba’ to the Lebanese language. It could be used in sentences such as:
– He was pulling a ‘Zouzou Ebba’ before he crashed into a truck and died.
– ‘Zouzou Ebba’ believed to be the #1 cause of death for motorists.
– Lebanese government to fine anyone caught doing a ‘Zouzou Ebba’ 50$.
– Zouzous of Lebanon sue the Lebanese government for associating their name with the rather demeaning term ‘Zouzou Ebba’.
I can add:
– I would never feel sorry for anyone who dies or get injured while “zouzou Ebaying”
And all along I thought the actual term for this was “stupid”.
J’ai toujours rêvé de voir un zouzou ebba se casser la gueule devant moi
I call that a “zou zou ebba” as well
(not that I ride a motorcycle and do that, but when I see someone on the street). Although it’s usually followed by a string of cuss words in arabic and turkish… since I always imagine the guy “ebba-ing” to fall and get smushed by a driver. Idiots!