Two videos were leaked today showing security forces beating and torturing Roumieh inmates. The incident took place when the ISF raided the prison back in April to quell inmate riots. In one video, two officers are seen beating two half-naked prisoners on their knees with their hands tied behind their backs. Needless to say, nothing justifies beating and torturing prisoners no matter what they’ve done and these officers should be arrested and reprimanded.
Interior Minister Nohad Machnouk has already condemned these brutal acts and assumed full responsibility for the mistake. He vowed to take all legal measures against those found guilty and two guards have been arrested so far.
Unfortunately, torture is still quite common in Lebanese prisons as around 60% of prisoners are tortured according to a report issued by the Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) last year. The same report stated that 52% of women arrested by the Lebanese authorities in 2013 and 2014 were subjected to severe torture.
thats not from Roumieh. It’s a video of Isis soldiers that were captured. Obviously it doesn’t justify what they are doing but just wanted to clarify
That’s how extremists are made. If you beat the crap out of me in jail, I’d probably come out wanting to destroy Lebanon altogether rather than becoming someone who’d want to integrate back into society.
You are against this kind of behavior my dear hyprocryte najib ?
You are trying to be cool by writing an article that is saying it’s wrong what they are doing to them ?
Let me explain something and maybe you will gain a bit of maturity
This behavior is a result of many things :
1st : They are getting out their anger by doing this kind of things because their government is doing a thing against “terrorist”
2nd: They have an anger inside them because mostly one of their family member was killed by one of these things
3rd : What the wannabe minister machnouk is doing, will get things worst
I’m telling you these facts because it’s sociologie 101
Sociology 101 in the University of ISIS?
If these inmates were to be released at some point from prison, don’t you think they’d have been radicalized (even further if they were already radical) in their stay there?
you think you dont have people like these people out on the streets? go check them out… just near my house in tripoli…
cant find it in me to sympathize, regardless what what ideal morality would implement…. i guess cause this isnt an ideal world. These fags had caused so much pain and agony to endless number of humans.
“these fags”. You lose.
U are just sick in the brain. Regardless of what they did this is degrading to humanity. Any person with a right mind would agree to me.
Anw you all should note that similar beating is happening in Makhfar Hbeich on a regular basis and everyone is being blind to that issue just because no video is being released!!!
So Mr peacekeeper, Please answer this question :
– Imagine you are a soldier or someone from ISF or Ma3loumet, and one of these guys killed someone in your family (A brother, a cousin etc)… The killer got arrested or someone from his “clan” but 2 months after a minister (Who is normally your minister) got him out…
Tell me what would you do ?! Aw 7at dallak hek rawa2 w tetfalsaf ?
Roumieh is Lebanon’s largest prison and has long been infamous for the poor conditions in some of its blocks, including overcrowding and harsh treatment.
Other parts of it, however, have at times become virtual no-go zones for security, with prisoners running their affairs and able to access laptops, phones and money.
I have no sympathy for the plague that is Isis , but a prisoner is a prisoner, and is entitled to rights under the constitution. Those who relish in the torture of others, are just as disgusting as Isis.
That said, I think Islamist detainees are a waste of prison space, and should receive a quick and painless death. (if proven guilty)
they deserve more than that ..