Picture from MichaelTotten
I was on my way to Khaldeh the other day and while stuck in traffic, I noticed a scooter driving slowly next to a car and gazing at the woman behind the wheels. He kept doing so for almost 10 minutes before traffic finally cleared and she sped away. I kept close to the woman thinking I might be able to help her if he attempts to open the door or break the window or something but I wasn’t really sure how I would react.
Lebanese Blogger Ivy was involved in a similar incident this morning, yet things could have gone much worse for her (Thank God they didn’t) as she was followed by not just one, but “two domineering hyenas on motorbikes” as she describes them and one of them rammed his bike into the back of her car and started yelling and cursing at her. The sad part is that everyone around her just sat back and watched it all go down in the comfort of their cars. No one lifted a finger.
Read the whole story [Here].
After all the incidents that are occuring lately, from the kidnapping Mark posted about 3 days ago, to the murder in Sad el Bouchrieh and clashes in Tripoli and Beirut, I think it’s time we all seriously consider keeping a gun or a weapon in our cars (and purses for women).
Are you saying we should all buy guns to decrease crime rate? something just doesn’t add up
How did you figure that out from what I just said?
All I am saying is that it’s not safe out there and if you find yourself in a situation like the one described above, it would maybe be better if you have a weapon on yourself. Dont you think?
If the bad guys have guns and the good guys don’t that doesn’t mean there is no crime or crime is low. I would rather own a firearm to defend myself and me owning a handgun might decrease crime if anything.
What’s the law on opening a hand gun?
owning u mean?
oops yes owning
Owning a gun will not solve these problems. If people start owning guns left and right, how can one regulate what guns are allowed? How one can regulate the use of such guns? Should I use it whenever I feel someone is following me? Do you know the risks of keeping guns at home, especially in homes with children inside? Do you think lebanese people are sane enough to keep weaponry at homes? Some of them are insane enough to use them whenever they feel “angry” to go out guns blazing.
Before any of these questions are answered, guns should not be allowed at all. At all. Period. I am not claiming I have a solution for such incidents that you mentioned but guns for all people is definitely not the answer.
If the government/law enforcement is non existent and can’t protect its citizens.. then how else could you protect yourself from criminals? you better get yourself a gun.
for the record.. I would never advocate for owning a gun otherwise..but the Lebanese people are living in a lawless land without any civil protections..
It would even be more “lawless” if we end up owning guns. This would eventually make people take law into their own hands and enforce “justice”. Do you want to hear about many “Sad el bouchrieh” incidents per day? Maybe you and me would use a gun fairly and just scare offenders away, but how about people who would use it just because someone didn’t pay them on time? Or because they did not fix their house, etc…
Owning a gun just contributes to the widespread of chaos
and you’re saying there isn’t widespread chaos right now?
It takes good guys to avoid going into oblivion, no?
Thugs and criminals are running the country and there is no law enforcement or government to protect you…
How do you defend yourself in no man’s land?
We are not talking about owning a gun in a civilized country..
people are already taking the law and enforcing it as they like and are not being held accountable… how do the Innocent and victims seek justice ?
Do they they sit quietly and allow the injustice and oppression to continue and get worst?
Guys, we’re talking about Lebanon here. A lot of people already have guns and most of them if not all of them are illegal. So why not legalize owning a hand gun?
“Lebanon: Lawlessness and chaos”
How could this title be changed with that nice advice of yours?
Why do you think all this chaos is happening? Because people have guns in the first place! And your best solution is keeping guns nearer?
Let’s say you were the one being hit in the Bouchrieh incident. How can having a gun make matters more secure? What would be your chance of surviving? If anything, it will make matters worse, because you’ll tend to use that gun in every smallest opportunity.
Yes, we’re talking about Lebanon here, a country where obviously some good number of people cannot take the right choices in sensitive issues. And instead of taking all those illegal weapons, you believe legalizing them is a better choice.
Guys, you’re bloggers here and you have more chance on influencing people. I suggest being more conscious on what you write. If you want peace in this country, having guns is not the correct choice. They never brought peace. If you want to defend yourselves, guns in your hands is not a correct choice either. There is police for that. I know what you’re thinking now, but you can encourage having efficient police rather than use of guns.
I believe in my right to defend myself and I also believe it’s impossible to confiscate all the weapons in Lebanon. It’s not even slightly possible and I’m not talking about disarming Hezbollah here I’m talking about confiscating illegal weapons from every day people. Weapons are here to stay and that’s why I think they should be legalized.
When someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night I would rather have a weapon with me instead of calling the police. The weapon protects me right away the police I have to wait for… that’s if they respond and if they find my place since it’s not like we have proper street addresses in Lebanon and cops aren’t really equipped with a navigation system. There’s more chance of the Pizza Hut delivery guy finding my house than there is the cops.
Actually this might be a good idea, set up a small armed neighborhood watch department which you can pay monthly for their services similar to the way we pay generator guys for electricity. For $100 a month you have neighborhood protection, I’d pay for that.
I also think marijuana should be legalized while we’re on this subject.
That’s why I’ve been saying again and again that municipality officers should be armed because no one knows a town better than they do and they have nothing to do all day.
Citizens would be more than happy to pay a monthly fee for protection from thieves.
All the support for legalizing cannabis.
U should write something on the subject!
We already are paying for the municipality so let them work their lazy asses
I see my little incident has sparked an gun ownership debate. Najib thanks for posting about my encounter and for your support- as always!