Picture from the DailyStar
Despite the economic crisis in Lebanon and the tensions in the region as a whole, Tripoli has managed to create new job opportunities for its residents:
Job Opening 1: Young or Experienced Militia Fighter
Starting Salary for recruits is 200$
Job Opening 2: Leader of an armed group of 10-15 gunmen armed with automatic rifles and hand grenades
Starting Salary = 600$
For those interested, be there when clashes erupt and prove yourselves by killing at least 1 or 2 gunmen. Headshots will earn you an extra 100$ per kill.
Read more about it [Here].
PS: If you have no military experience whatsoever, you can always deliver arguile to the fighters. Plenty of job openings in Bab el Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.
Arguile is a must even during clashes in Lebanon: Picture from Al-Akhbar
not every thins said to be true !!!
Tell us from your experience what is the truth then
Men weyn jeyin hal nawar?
You know what I like about Najib is that unlike all those retarded March 14 sheep, he criticizes the sunnis M14-supported thugs as much as the shiite thugs.
Sheep are sheep, no matter what the allegiance is.