Fight starts at Minute 6
They have a military wing, go around kidnapping random people to retaliate against the kidnapping of one of their own, invite the media to a Press Release and brag about their doings and then fight between each other on public TV.
Everytime I think we’ve reached a new low in Lebanon, someone comes out to prove me wrong.
….and with all this people think they are ok and new restaurants and clubs opening daily. Life as usual. How surreal!…and how reminiscent of pre civil war Beirut!! Be careful out there and start with your contingency emergency plans (remember the escape route through Syria might be severed too).
The Jerry Springer Show: Moqdad Edition.
Gianni, I’ve heard a saying when in I was in Lebanon while having a drink with a friend in Byblos during the time battles were going on a few kms up north between Jabal and Tebbeneh “Lebanon is the country of contradictions!” this sums it all up
Najib you’ve got some balls man if I was you I’d watch my route from now on lol
bunch of asswholes please do not remove my comment