Bahia Hariri visiting ex-PM Rafic Hariri’s (her brother) tomb in Beirut
Like her or not, she definitely did the right thing and other MPs should do the same. In fact, none of them should be earning any salaries until the economic situation gets better and we are out of this mess.
Al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Bahia Hariri “returned” on Sunday more than LL525 million to the Lebanese people, the salary that she has received since her election in 2009.
During a ceremony held at Beiteddine palace, the summer residence of President Michel Suleiman, Hariri said: “I apologize to the Lebanese people for not doing my job since 2009. I have received from the people a paycheck that I don’t deserve.”
She said she “had the honor” to “return to them” more than LL 525 million to establish the “I Love You Lebanon 2020” fund. [Source]
A Lebanese Member of Parliament earns almost $140,000 a year according to the new wage scale that was suggested (Not sure if it got approved) last year.
She has stole much more money than that , that prick !! and how can we monitor her fund !! this is a before elections propaganda to help that assir lover be elected again !!
She did the right thing? really?
How do you think a HONEST MP is supposed to live then?
How do you think a HONEST MP who dedicates all his time to the service of the people with complete transparency is supposed to pay for all his bills, credits and social services?
an MP who returns the money is an MP so loaded with corrupted money that he can allow himself/herself to make that political STUNT.
please next time you decide to state a shallow comment on such hypocrisy think twice… or at least answer my questions!
jesus christ , are you calling him shallow ? did you read your comment before you post it ?
Yes she did the right thing by giving them back and stating she didn’t do her job. The “Right” thing when it comes to Lebanese politics if you wish to call it so because we never expect anyone to get accounted for his/her actions here.
I never defended her. I am happy to see someone from these “corrupt” MPs like you name them actually admitted they are not doing their job and returned their salaries.
An Honest MP wouldn’t need to return his salary if he’s doing a good job.
it is obvious that u are bias and trying to build a story from a single thread of thoughts. 1, the last i recall, she still comes from one of the richest families in lebanon, how and where she got it is none of your business and beyond your capacity to insinuate u could possibly have a rational / evident based answer .
2, whats ur concern as the common public, is the money is back to where it came from, and this is the gesture of what this post is all about! so a stunt or not, the money is refunded.
and please, next time u go on accusing people of being shallow, try and be less of one yourself and have the decency to at-least talk logic and facts and FOCUS on the end result, not opinions that a 3 year old could write better…
woww she’s that desperate trying to restore her former popularity!!
m dear mind your own popularity..
so what you geniuses are saying is that decent people who doesn’t come from a rich family are not allowed to be MPs unless they are willing to spend all that time for FREE!?!
Ziad Baroud for example, who comes from a modest family, cannot afford then to run for MP because later on, he is supposed to give his salary back…?
I don’t know how you are making your conclusions to be honest but obviously you are missing the point.
the point you are missing is that not all MPs can afford to do what Harriri did, because simply some of them are not corrupted enough to compensate their salaries from elsewhere!
And the point you missed is that I did not ask all MPs to give back their salaries. I asked those who feel they didn’t do their job because the decent MP wouldn’t need to give back his salary if he does a good job, but being not so well off is not an argument to be corrupt.
try harder josef
Well,other thieves should do the same thing
And the One and who mostly Owes us is Berri ,yallaaa give back our Dollars back back from the early 1990s
W bi ouloulak mafi masari bel balad
who cares world war 3 is coming and we have 4G lte in lebanon
Thumps up imo
I would like clarify some concepts, because the main problem in Lebanon is the lack of political education when everybody pretends being the Lebanese Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville or Benjamin Franklin, just to avoid being fooled by the politicians who are now hopelessly trying to regain some trust.
MPs when they are elected they are entitled to some allowances. This is not a salary, but a compensation for their responsibilities, and is not in consideration of the load of activities, efficiency or productivity.
Efficiency and productivity are compensated in a different manner through “accountability”, therefore, an MP who declares that for the past 4 years he /she was not productive or efficient should either resign or refuse running for the elections in the coming legislative (or at least refuse his/her legislature being extended). As for the electors, they should consider the MPs statement and veto him/her in the coming legislative.
For me Bahia Hariri just threw a big BS cracker and covered us all.
sallem temmak!
@those smart (bums) who say “an Honest MP can’t return the money !!!”
Honest or not, they did nothing and are paid to sit home, and HONESTLY you are paying as a person for them to enjoy this luxury!!
Like any job, you do it, you get paid, you don’t you shouldn’t and would be fired.
I bet if we pay them for every time they meet, perhaps they would meet more often !!!
1. Swedish MP resigns because she didn’t pay her TV bill and its called a scandal:
2. This one resigned because she used a government card to buy 2 chocolate bars:
It was a positive and unique attitude from Madam Bahiya. It was really rude and disappointing that someone accused her that she had stolen much more !!!. How can he prove it ? If he has the evidence for this accusation why don’t he handed to the General Security Department ?
Pleae Stop negative reactions that ruin our life and the country?