I was buying groceries from a nearby supermarket to my parents’ house when I noticed TV was on some channel called STV with a cedar behind the name. I thought at first it was Syria TV but then I noticed the ads are “Free Delivery Abou Rony Arguile 5000LL Sarba”, “Sarba’s first communion ceremony in 2011” and other news of the sort.
As it appeared, the cable guy has illegally set up a local channel, Sarba TV, to promote events happening in Sarba and some friends of his. The funny part is that he is now charging for ads even though the whole thing is illegal. Next thing you know, he will cut off all cable channels for a few seconds to promote them.
I think in Zouk Mosbeh they used to have the same few years ago. a channel to promote for the city and they place on it the monthly tariffs for cable and generators and other announcements from the municipality
Thats actually pretty cool
This is actually a common Practice in Pakistan, my home country, we have Big cable companies with over 10,000+ subscribers for TV/Internet/VoIP services for copper. And they make healthy chunk of their profit from such channels. Most of them are regularized by the Govt’s Electronic Media Regulatory Authority.
The whole thing is illegal, the cable , the ads and the all other channels, but afterall it is a smart idea (Bravo Lebanon) ابداع لبناني