The poster above has stirred up some controversy on The Angry Monkey’s Facebook page whereas some people considered it to be sexist and disrespectful to women while others liked it.
Knowing that the Angry Monkey is a pub and not a restaurant, and that a lot of people go there to watch local bands perform, and that they’ve been posting ever since they opened all sorts of naughty/dirty jokes and pictures on their page, I am not really sure we can label this as a sexist poster. What are your thoughts on that? [Another “Dirty” Poster]
Interestingly enough, most of the Angry Monkey staff are women, including the manager and the page admin who uploads these pictures (As per her own comment). This being said, maybe they should consider getting a hot guy, with Daniel Craig-like abs, to pose for their next poster having a burger lol!
All in all, this pub is obviously not targeting people sensitive to dirty jokes/posters and sexual innuendos and is definitely not renting billboards to show these Sexy/Sexist posters, so the best thing IMHO is to just loosen up and have a laugh or Unlike the page and not visit the pub.
You can visit The Angry Monkey’s Facebook Page [Here].
Boobs i like
I think that Gino was consulting for the digital strategy of Angry monkey.
so I think he had a say in this!
Anw great job, love the pics, and they really do fit in with the pub’s positioning!
But they’re gonna get some backlash from conservative idiots, that I’m sure of!
If Gino was a consultant for the digital strategy, the use of 9gag images in unacceptable. #justsayin
True true!
Showing a pair of boobs to get attention and then trying to sell completely unrelated products like a salad or a drink is kind of insulting. People don’t understand that its not the boobs that are insulting boobs are great more boobs i say but not on billboards and ads unless the product is related to boobs. these ads its kinda like saying your a primitive moron who will drool cheer and clap whenever shown a little skin. its insulting to ur intelligence.
Exactly!!! the issue here is not about conservative people who freak out at the sight of boobs!! its about objectifying women!!
the poster shows photo-shopped boobs and a mouth in a provocative way, without the face of the model. this means the pic reduces the model into just boobs. without her face she s no longer a person she is an object! an object used to sell a product.
it is a shallow judgement to immediately rule out this pic as not sexist. It is sexist!!
You might say so what it is just a picture, but we see this “just a picture” everywhere we look around and you cant even imagine the effects of all these “just pictures” on shaping stereotypes, distorting women image, sexual harassment..
Im sure the people who wrote this article obviously can read, so they should read more articles and scientific journals abt the topic and then once they (hopefully) grasp the true value of these “just pictures” they would reconsider chilling and laughing at this pic!
I’m mostly upset that the girl has to have the salad while the guy has the burger. What an awful, unappetizing, stereotype!
They’re guilty of a terrible Photoshop job in that first picture.
But yeah, this is a lazy job at advertising.
Also, just because some women who work at Angry Monkey find these images okay doesn’t mean they’re not sexist ad’s. They still are. And it’s a problem that plague’s Lebanon in general.
I get that Angry Monkey is positioned as a badass pub, but there’s a difference between actually being a badass who makes smart naughty jokes and a poser badass who tries too hard and ends up looking like a sexist idiotic idiot.
This Angry Monkey ad is a positioning statement and is selling a lifestyle more than it is selling a salad or a cocktail. It is meant to make you feel what you may feel while having a bite or a drink in the actual pub. How many times have you been to a pub and observed the good looking men or women who may or may not be dressed ‘sexy’? Exactly. That’s the feeling that the ad is meant to evoke. It is not sexist. It is not meant to hard sell the actual product. If that were the case then everyone who smoked Marlboros in the past few decades would also own horses. It’s marketing people. It’s a great place too.
‘hard sell’ lol
ya raytni al salata
Ya wayli shu taybehhhhhhh…..el salad
Don’t care; boobs.
I support Freedom of speech.
Conservatives can speak their minds too.
But they shouldn’t have the right to silence those who they don’t agree with.
heheheh this is one of the most successful ad campaigns I’ve seen in a while… Proof? It is here on blogbaladi where the article has received the most comments since the Bliss Street Ali Abdallah post (but leaving this tragic one out, it has the most comments between over 1 month of articles)…
The goal in here is simply to spread debates and controversy with which comes free advertisement (word of mouth via social media or in person) and brand exposure. At the end of the day, whether you find this ad sexist or not, you now know of this pub and you -man or woman- will probably want to stop over for a drink to try and figure out how can one relate the pub to these ads… Chapeau bas (sp?) to the advertising person who came up with the idea. He/She deserves twice what they’re paid
please. Sex sells. Oldest tricket in the business. Yes brand exposure but in a negative way. Unfavorable brand equity. When I think angry monkey I think sexism now.
umm anyone notice the thing she is putting in her mouth
is in innuendo for the “head of a male’s penis?”?
im all about expression of advertising but I’ve noticed lebanon has
emphasized sex t on getting in customers in a way come to a pub, or a place.. sex sells? yeah but that was an old thing.. now a days with these types ads sorta puts a cheap |label on women” without realizing it. subconsciously it does make it look like “most women are down for that “good time” or may influence young ones into thinking.. “i need to be like that to have a good time” … .