I never really enjoy getting stuck in traffic, nor does anyone else i assume. But when the reason behind such traffic is the unloading of two Ferraris, the 458 Italia and the GTO then i wouldn’t mind waiting a few extra minutes.
This happened in Down Town Beirut in front of Ferrari’s office (Near Fiona’s restaurant for those familiar with the area).
Sorry to keep you waiting, but since it is the only way we can get the Ferraris into the showroom we have to somehow close the road.
Anyway you are welcome to take a closer look.
Ferrari Lebanon
That’s a nice comment from Ferrari Lebanon. I always had the impression that the Ferrari dealership in Lebanon would be a bit snobbish but they seem friendly.
Oh waw!
Dont be sorry Marie, as i said it was worth the wait, but since you mentioned it, how about a down town small drive with the car instead of just a closer look
well, we have a full list of rules and regulations to let you do a test drive.
if you like, pass by the showroom for a closer look on the GTO coz we will deliver it in few days; then we will see
Rules & Regulations you say? well i have a driver’s license, that’s gotta count for something at least in Lebanon
Until what time are your showrooms open?
If i have time, i will definitely swing by and take a look.
till 5:00 PM
Make sure you don’t forget your camera at home.
Make sure you forget to give them back the keys.
Don’t think i would be able to make it before Saturday. Hope the car won’t be gone by then.
Nice to know Ferrari is listening! Amazing,,tell us how it goes Najib..!!
Unfortunately, we don’t open on Saturdays.
Only from Monday till Friday from 9:00AM till 5:00PM
Najib, take a day off!
Yeah take a week off!!!!!