Pictures via Alalam
Not only does Lebanon have the best passport in the world, but our إخراج قيد is also one of the best ever because the Dahieh suicide bomber’s individual Status Record (اخراج قيد افرادي) was found intact even though the terrorist was blown to pieces.
What I am unable to understand yet is why a suicide bomber would be holding identification papers on him.
in case he needed to show it to security check points, not only in Dahié but anywhere else since he had to drive long distance.
I guess he thought it would burn after explosion… turned out it is made of solid material!
hint hint
of course someone threw it there after the explosion, very uncreative way of planting footsteps towards someone else
unless the DNA of the suicider’s body confirms the same identity of the ID then your “conspiracy theory” doesn’t work.
Hahaha this is too funny
Hahaha ya Zouzou u are hilarious!!!
I like how no one made the same remark regarding downtown explosion. They did find an identity piece of Chatah there too, didn’t they?
Chatah wasn’t a suicide bomber with the paper on him. Did you see what was left of the suicide bomber?
What I don’t get is why you and many Farteen of March lovers are trying so hard to defend to holder of the ID?
Why do you f*** care if it was genuine or not? it wasn’t the ID of Elyssa after all!
Who’s trying to defend the holder Josef? and why these silly accusations?
Where did I question if its genuine or not? Didn’t you find it weird that a piece of paper held by a freaking suicide bomber was intact?
Maybe because it shows the religion and the sect, unlike the ID card?
The way the paper is burnt looks very fake! it’s a plot