The new ABC Dbayeh
Roadster Diner posted this morning that Grand Cinemas Lebanon ABC Dbayeh will be opening on June 13!
I don’t know much about this new cinema complex but according to the below banner, you will be able to enjoy champagne, caviar(huh?) and popcorn while watching a movie. I am guessing there will be prestigious VIP seats or lounges.
Picture from Gino’s Blog
It is me or this VIP thing is starting to be a little too much in Lebanon?
What’s next? VVIP seats with a masseuse, Extra VIP with a small digital screen above your head showing your bank account balance, Golden seats that will make your name appear among the credited contributors in the movie…?
Niyel li belo fadeh walah
Rachelle, I love you
Well Patrick, I do hear that a lot thank you
I think maybe I love you too :$
ABC should give away two VIP seats for the love birds here above lol.
hahaha ma hek?
A VIP blind date sponsored by Najib and Blogbaladi… Isn’t that just sweet?
u should change the website to
could be a cool reality tv show, you go to different day3as and hook up couples from different day3as together.
hahaha could also be good for those of us living abroad seeking baladi love
mmm I’m smelling some jealousy in the air :D. Haters gonna hate, our love will conquer hihihi
You should do the same, it feels great
guys thx for the lovely ideas ill make sure ur getting the best seats at the church (if any)…
but anyway rach, when are you gona be there and what are you gona be wearing? i dont wana lose you in the crowd coz as I already mentioned, I love you
i agree cant get more stupid than this!
The movie theater was meant to be about the popcorn, fun, and junk food. What’s the deal with the champagne and caviar?! I bet you in 1 week that caviar is going to go bad.
So typically Lebanese!!! It seems so lavishly stupid! Really getting drunk in the cinema? caviar? Why? Is that the best setting for that? Such a freaking pretentious few and then they wonder…
wtf people, i would never order caviar and champagne at a cinema but if they wanna serve it in their theaters why the hell do u care?! just order your pop corn and let the pretentious do what they do best
Normally, VIP cinema tickets are for more comfy seats, larger and reclining and all. And the one I once went to (Dubai lol) served burgers and fast food (average) in the theatre.
Personally, I would gladly pay a bit extra to have dinner at the movies. Nice touch in my opinion.
Hate all you want, you’ll all go once at least. And hey, Supply and Demand at work!
Oh i wouldn’t mind at all, having a nice glass of champagne while watching a nice movie.
I wonder what brand they will be serving!!! Hmmmm!
Off course you wouldn’t. Cristal…
oh Michele…
ur so young … I bet 24?
No patrick I think more like 22…
hehe you are so psychologically disordered people and intensilly insecure and have a severe inferiority complex!!!!!! caviar and champagne in the movies? you will become more VIP right?? hehe they are serving vin mousseux but of course you would never notice it especially if it was in moet flutes!!
Differentiation starts with 4D not caviar and champagnes,its not weird from ABC management they want to keep their classy style targeted to classy people. Same like there shops, you pay *5 the prices. Unfortunately stupidity in our culture is not anymore a handicap.
User and Patrick,
Please cut it off guys.
no problem. agreed