Picture from Naharnet
Everything that’s been happening lately in Lebanon suggests that either everyone’s smoking weed or just gone crazy. As you might have heard or not, the Muslim girl who willingly and freely converted to Christianity almost a week ago is being brought back to her father after the latter threatened to wage a civil war and accused priests of kidnapping her and throwing magic spells on her. He also labeled his girl as being mentally-ill.
Why did the girl flee?
Qataya, who had converted to Christianity from Islam three years ago, had fled her home following psychological and physical abuse from her father as a result of her conversion, said Semaan. [Naharnet]
Instead of arresting the Sheikh and putting the girl somewhere safe, they give him back his girl? Who the hell allowed this? What about those who abducted the priest for few hours? Why aren’t they arrested?
Animals are treated better!! Shame on the society and F’d up culture. It is days like these when someone realizes why Lebanon is beyond repair…It is broken. Who the hell can hand her over like she is a piece of furniture? How about her wishes?…and if the title is correct re: Archbishop; shame on the Church…I thought slavery was passe!!!
The Archbishop only handed her back for fear of a Muslims backlash/attacks … If this was to happen in a truly civil and free country, the Archbishop would have defended the girl’s right to practice her religious freedoms.
It is offensive to Islam that a Muslim would freely convert to Christianity .
When you say Archbishop “handed” her back; I hope you did not mean that!!! She is a live breathing human being. No one has the right to hand anyone over. Whatever happened to the freedom so touted in Lebanon?
I’m afraid she will be killed and classified as a “crime of honour”, jarimet sharaf.
And far.from that, she is a beauty.
This is sad, i am a Muslim and that sheikh is sick , he should be arrested, if his daughter is “mentally-ill” why would he care if she’s converted to Christianity or even Judaism , in Islam , if someone is not mentally fine, then they can not be accused of anything, and will go to heaven in after life, plus what happened to the Qura’an verse ????? he’s a hypocrite , that’s all.
Thanx Dawleh ,enno 3njd chou hal dawleh haaaaaaay??
There’s no proof that she is mentally-ill. That’s what her sick and idiotic father is saying. You can convert to Christianity without being mentally ill u know
I like how she has absolutely no opinion in this. Fucked up society. Us Lebanese aren’t doing much better than Afghanistan at this rate.
I hope I am wrong too !
But Of course ! anyone who drifts away from the norms of Lebanese society would be considered mentally ill or devil worshiping..
i know she’s not “mentally-ill”, hence the quotation marks.
la ekrah fil din, according to Qura’n , this sheikh knows nothing.
Sadly this is still a very sensitive issue in Lebanon (like Egypt where many who have converted to and from Islam were shunned from their societies or forced to seek refuge).