I was with a friend few days ago and we passed by Burger King Jeita as he wanted to pick up a Whopper meal. They asked him if he wanted big fries and coke and he was fine; however he asked them if they could give him a can instead of the big cup as he doesn’t have a cup holder in the car. The BK guy apologized and said that they don’t have cans even though we could spot them in the fridge from our car.
So my friend pointed at the cans telling him that they do have some, so the BK guy replied that he doesn’t have lots of them, so he can’t give us any. They are just for delivery. My friend ended up cancelling his order and leaving.
Why can’t they give out cans if they are available and being delivered? What’s the difference between a delivery service and a drive-thru service? I am seriously considering going back to that same Burger King branch, ask for a can and if the guy says no, park right outside BK and order a delivery.
What’s the big deal man they probably have instructions from management not to give out cans and send them out only on delivery orders. It makes sense to me, BK and other food chain restaurants in North American don’t even carry cans since they don’t deliver here. I can’t beleive BK actually delivers in Lebanon, I guess using motorcycles combined with the cheap labor in Lebanon allow such restaurants to deliver their cheap meals and still be profitable. What does your friend driver anyways?
If they are offering cans when delivering why can’t they give them out in drive thru?
Anyway the reason my friend got pissed was mainly cause the guy was a liar and arrogant not just cause they don’t give out cans
maybe the guy lied because people like you make a big fuss about it
He was asked kindly and he lied and then turned arrogant. Doesn’t matter if it’s a can or a full meal, he misbehaved.
As for the can policy thing, it’s stupid.
+1 its not a big deal. don’t think its blog worthy since its just nitpicking
I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing.
The majority, if not all delivery services in Lebanon only offer cans when you place an order. If that employee was told by management not to give out any cans because they’re specifically for delivery orders, then what’s the big deal? Your friend doesn’t have a cup-holder, he could have asked for them to put it in that carton box that holds drinks and then you, as a good friend, could have held it for him. Or he could have found a place for it in his car (I’ve done it without any cup holders).
Your friend has a short fuse. This wasn’t “cancel order” worthy.
Why did he lie in the first place and say they don’t have cans? Plus it’s stupid to give them when it’s a delivery and not when it’s a drive thru. Plus it never holds in this carton thing when it’s a big cup.
maybe he lied cause if he says that they do have cans each customer will start arguing to get one, even if it’s against their regulations so he can’t really do anything about it.
And the delivery guy can barely pack a few of meals on his moto, imagine him joggling cups too..
I dont think he lied, I think he literally meant they don’t have cans to give you and not they don’t have cans in the branch.
He said they didn’t Have cans then once we told him Here they are he said those r for delivery. It’s stupid that they give them out to delivery and not drive thru.
Cans cost them more money than filling up cups which is why they don’t give out cans. But you can always open your own restaurant and give out cans.
BK has a dreadful customer service, service all together!! the same goes for Mc Do and all the other “fast foods” in lebanon. If ur blog can make some issues known to people who can do smthn about it, then why not use it to do good!?
I kind of got excited when I saw the burger picture thinking this could be a burger review or a good referral (I saw the picture before the title) than I got all disappointed reading about your friends attitude. I’m just in the mood to pick on you today don’t mind me lol
Burger king “Have It your way ”
Well i guess your not having it your way
I don’t think it’s a big deal. If their policy is that cans are only for delivery then who cares. If you feel he lied, that’s fine, but I see it as he was only trying to avoid a whole dispute over whether or not drive-thru is entitled to the same treatment as delivery.
As someone else previously mentioned, you should be happy at the mere fact that you have delivery since it is more than other countries can say let alone the fact that Lebanon BK’s carry cans at all (here in NY, no delivery and certainly no cans).
A Voice from NY,
He could have stated that fact. It beats lying. As for delivery, well that’s the only way you can keep your business running in Lebanon if it’s a fast food chain or diner.
Najib, please send them a message and let us know if they answer.
This thread reminds me of the one & only sentence “Raso Tankeh” :)))
man BK is the best nd u should never forget that he is just an employee… next time call the manager mich ahsan ma tne2 hon?? min 3abelo fries bk