Jorj Abou Mhaya Wins 8th Mahmoud Kahil Award For Graphic Novel

Lebanese artist Jorj Abou Mhaya has won the 8th Mahmoud Kahil Award under the Graphic Novel Category. The award was created in 2014 and is aimed at promoting comics, editorial cartoons and illustration in the Arab world through the recognition of the rich talent and creative achievement of artists from the region. "Mahmoud Kahil award is part of the Mu’taz & Rada Sawwaf Arabic Comics Initiative an academic body for the study of Arabic Comics…

17-Year Old Victor Guillermin Climbs Lebanon’s Baatara Gorge

Victor Guillermin, at only 17 years of age, has become the second climber only to ascend Lebanon’s most challenging rock climb: Baatara Gorge, also known as Avaatara. David Lama is the only other climber to have done so back in 2015. The Baatara Gorge Waterfall is one of Lebanon's most popular destinations located 2 hours away from Beirut. It was discovered by French Henri Coiffait in 1952 and was fulled mapped out in the 1980s…

Anghami is Introducing AI-Powered Podcasts

1 year ago
With everyone talking about AI in the past months, Anghami took a big leap forward by launching its AI Powered Personalized Podcast, the first of its kind in the world. The leading music and entertainment ...

Remembering Elie Choueiri (1939-2023)

1 year ago
Lebanon lost this week one of its greatest musicians, and one of the last few artists from the Rahbani’s golden era. Elie Choueiri passed away at the age of 84, leaving behind a legacy through ...

Latest Aerial Shots of The New US Embassy Awkar Campus

1 year ago
The new US Embassy campus in Awkar is starting to take shape, as seen from the latest photos shared on the embassy’s FB page following a visit by US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy C. Shea. ...

Poet Ounsi el Hage Honored with a Tile on His Achrafieh Residence

1 year ago
A tile in memory of Poet Ounsi el Hage was placed today on the entrance of the building where he once resided for 55 years. Ounsi’s daughter posted on Facebook about it thanking Ounsi’s friends ...

Wine Windows Trend Lands in Batroun

1 year ago
The first time I heard about wine windows was during COVID as many opened such small service shops to keep social distancing while serving customers. However, the tradition goes back to Florence where people in ...

UC Davis Starts Memorial Fund for Karim Abou Najm

1 year ago
In case you’ve missed this terrible news, a 20-year-old UC Davis Lebanese student was stabbed to death in a city park. Karim Abou Najm was biking home from an academic awards ceremony in Davis when ...

From Leb With Love: DIY Miniature Lebanese Traditional Houses

1 year ago
If you like DIY arts and crafts and wish to support a local brand, From Leb With Love are selling wooden model kits representing traditional houses. They currently have two models: – The Beirut Central ...

Energy Ministry Launched a Useless App To Track Fuel & Gas Prices

1 year ago
We have 4 or 5 different rates for the Lebanese Lira in the market and no one, including the Central Bank, is capable of controlling the fluctuations, but the genius minds behind the Energy Ministry ...