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Nov 21, 2017 08:41
I'm always on the lookout for pictures from the Lebanese Civil war and my latest finding is Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Bill Foley. I remember seeing a couple of Foley pictures online in past years but I never looked at his website for some reason. Foley's work was included in a number of books and was shown in museums and galleries in New York, Cairo, Beirut and numerous cities in Europe. Foley's portfolio includes three albums…
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Sep 15, 2017 02:11
Every year at the Beirut Art Fair, I make sure to drop by Byblos Bank's stand to check out photos of the Byblos Bank Award for Photography finalists. The annual award was launched in 2012 and supports emerging local talents by placing their work at the heart of the photography market and giving them access to collectors, experts, gallerists, the media, and professional photographers. The winner is selected by a world-renowned jury of photography professionals…
7 years ago
Saudi business magnate Ibrahim Shaker had his villa built in one of the most strategic locations in Aley in the 1950s. Shaker was a business pioneer in Saudi Arabia and a member of the Administrative ...
7 years ago
Amriyeh Hotel was once one of Lebanon’s biggest hotels and a touristic hot spot. It was owned by Kayssar Amer and had its own theater and cinema. The hotel was located at Bekfaya’s entrance on ...
7 years ago
It’s true what they say that “Time flies when you’re having fun”. Brian has officially turned two on Saturday and the past 24 months have been tiring but thrilling, exciting and more importantly rewarding. Raising ...
7 years ago
If you’ve never been to Zahle yet, you can now go on a virtual tour on a stunning panoramic gigapixels image produced by Clement Tannouri. The 360 view allows you to zoom in on ...
8 years ago
French Astronaut Thomas Pesquet shared yesterday a stunning shot of Beirut taken from the International Space Station. Pesquet has never been to Beirut yet but none of us Lebanese have seen Beirut the way he ...
8 years ago
Check out this stunning 360° Panorama shot of Zahle taken by Clement Tannouri after the latest storm from the highest point at Our Lady of Zahle. Check it out [here] and make sure you are ...
8 years ago
Check out these beautiful shots that I took from inside the iconic Al Kassouf Hotel in Shweir, which was built in the 1930s and damaged during the war. According to a 2013 post on, ...
Middle East
8 years ago
2016 has been unfortunately a bloody year for the Middle East and the majority of this year’s top AP images are from wars or suicide bombings mainly from Iraq & Syria. Mercifully as put by ...