The funny part is that the ticket dates back from October 2011 and it just appeared! How the hell do we know if there are others still pending?
My friend checks the ISF page every day and he just saw two speeding tickets back from July 2011!
The funny part is that the ticket dates back from October 2011 and it just appeared! How the hell do we know if there are others still pending?
My friend checks the ISF page every day and he just saw two speeding tickets back from July 2011!
… it happened to me as well, a ticket from 05/04/2011 just appeared last month. The funny part is that there was already a ticket dated 05/04/2011 that I knew about, 3adeh… Now there are two with the same date (I hope they’re not breeding :))
Stop speeding dude…Or be cognizant of the traps!
t3eesh bi hal ne3me wo yen3ed 3layk
What I love the most about this blog is that it talks about major things i notice and see on my way from Zouk to Downtown each day! merci
Just checked and I too have one dated 28-7-2011.
Two weeks ago I got a phone call from the local ISF advising to pass by because of an unpaid parking fine.
The fine was in June of 2007 in DT and for a car I sold 3 years ago.
You can spot a “radar” 10 miles away (in Lebanon): radar machienes and computers are fixed in cop cars’ trunks and u find these cars parked on the side of a highway, like its not obvious? There is nothing such as a fixed radar in Lebanon.
Now unfortunately, and as we all know, nothing is impossible in Lebanon, meaning that we are all receiving speeding tickets for no reason sometimes. A small example: my cousin got fined for speeding IN beirut last month and the guy has never been to beirut this year yet.
I have lived in the Emirates all my life and I know exactly what all types of radars function and look like, therefore I am very familiar with how the whole speeding-fine system works.
1. Rumors have been going around about “hi-tech night vision radars” in Lebanon, well I’m sorry but such radars do not exist! (So a fine for speeding at night is mysterious)
2. How come when a “radar” catches us speeding we are not blinded by a the lightning like flash-light of the radar (be it during the day or night)?
3. How come the government has no picture proof of the vehicle with supposting documents or any evidence whatsoever available on their system when we ask for them? It is every citizen’s right to ask for printed documents of proof for ANY speeding ticket that he/she has to pay for.
4.The ISF Page MUST provide detailed information of the exact location of the “radar” the exact time, exact speed caught at and the value of the fine.
I personally refuse to pay for any speeding ticket due to the reasons mentioned above. People criticize me for my way of thinking and they say I should “go back to Emirates” where my “so called logic works”. Why degrade Lebanon and its system when it CAN be better?
Lebanon can be an well-organised country just like any other country on this planet and you my friends have the right to stand up for your rights.
Something must be done about this whole unfairness that is going on unless you are are happy with paying for speeding tickets which appear on your accounts out of nowhere?
I discovered that I have a speed ticket back to April 2012, it supposed to be delivered to me by Liban Post but i did not receive any;
Do somebody know how much i have to pay after 4 years?
Thank you