Judge Nadim Zwein prohibited on Monday the airing of the anti-Islam film, Innocence of Muslims, in Lebanon due to its “great offense” to Islam. The decision was made after it was found that the movie contained several scenes that are considered to be offensive. [Link]
I am surprised it took them so long to ban it!
See Also:Ktir Taybé!
They shouldn’t banne it
if you don’t like it don’t watch it
where is freedom of speech
@ E if you are so interested in seeing it you can open youtube and enjoy !
I’m not muslim and I assume it’s a retarded movie. Not sure why I would waste time on it.
and.. whoever questions this new law will be subject to a fine or imprisonment or stoning/beheading… welcome to the Islamization of Lebanon
hahahahaha u think so. am a muslim ‘n i say hell not. bas since nehna 3ayshein b balad kil shi 3ala sous w no2ta we would rather avoid outer pressure that might lead at one point to dramatic results. “CHILLAX”…how about something that offends your own beliefs -how would you deal with that; i wish this never happens though- ??
LOL why ban it, its only a movie and i agree with fadi. There so many other movies that make fun of other beliefs, like jesus appearing in south park so many times. Dont see christians running crazy.
Dont see what was wrong with the movie too.
I may be a Christian.. go ahead and critique,ridicule and crucify my Christ .. wait that already happened.. I am not going to protest violently.. My faith would sustain and would keep me grounded.. just because I may not like the criticism, I would not want others who oppose me silenced, My country’s freedoms are much more too priceless
Why do people back down to Muslim pressure?