Retaliation to Rai’s caricature in a Saudi newspaper – via FN
I am all for freedom of expression but this is an irresponsible and silly act. We are in no position now to piss off Gulf countries like the KSA where many Lebanese live and work. The economic situation is disastrous in Lebanon, security is no better and unemployment is as high as ever. I am not saying we should compromise our liberties but instead should be more responsible specially when hundreds of Lebanese families (if not more) are at sake.
Let us solve our own problems first and leave Lebanese expats away from them.
Saudi Ambassador disavowed Rai’s cartoon
yesterday Bahrain..
today KSA..
We should hang the motherf***ers who are behind this fresco next to it.
bloody idiots.
This is just a legitimate expression of opinion. We expats are not beggars, I’m so sick and tired of this attitude of wooing all those creeps for their money. They either acknowledge we are doing them services and favours, or to hell with them.
some numbers first:
-Visitors from KSA to Dubai last EID EL FITR topped the million.
-Visitors to Dubai on NEW YEAR’S EVE was closer to 1.3 million.
-Turkey has taken over as a summer destination to Gulf residents.
Last year, Hotel Phoenicia ended up closing FOUR of its floors due to lack of reservation.
So habibé khalleek 3ala Fatmagul Sultan’s chimneys and.. to hell with you, it seems??
they fuck up with our country and they do what ever they want and yet we should shut up w nebla3a for the sake of lebanese expats enough is enough
ok, number 1 : freedom of speech
ur right that we should thk of the leb expats
but y did thy attach the patriarch?
therefore, the above is justified
this reminds of a story where this king told the pope once y there’s no mosque in the vatican so the pope rightfully told him, once u build a church in KSA we will consider ur request… so in a country so hypocrite where women can’t drive, and shari3a is exercised as if we’re living in the caves still, this poster above expressing freedom of speech is nothing.
well ya karim … soon it wont be the only country that have no church … and the Chari3a is exercised
we cant always bow for them … “byerkabo sha2le”
Alphonse people make fun of the U.S president/s. what the big deal. its caricatures people wanna express them selves.
the sadi king caricature is hilarious and funny! I don’t see Rahis caricature as devil, its not funny Saudis lack humor, they just hate Christians.
Alphonse You are so dumb, you stand on a chair to raise your IQ.
@scirocco0 fasharo…
@jack LOL!!!
@Alphonse Mrakab rass 7mar? (sorry but I had to say it in reference to ma fi metlo…)
Alphonse If your brain was chocolate it wouldn’t fill an M&M.
How if it was a peanut?
it wouldn’t fill an M&M Peanut
Yechekro raboun ma walla3na el safara
and if they don’t like it they can always kiss our ass!
LOL eh walla, I remember when I was in Lebanon & saw the bestial monkeys wanting to burn the Danish embassy just in front of my house!!
we now have fuel… we are free… i guess a mini civil war is a must…
this caricature is done by alex hughes on 25th October 2007
I care about neither bas areeban wala balad bel 3alam byista2belna anymore. and our economy is at stake. bravo.
khaliyon ya3rfo yetnaffaso balena
byerja3o 3al jamal wel sa7ra …
How nonesense this is?? Instead of unthankful & hateful Lebanese, they can get people from the West or from Asia which are 100 times more qualified than you bragging Lebanese!!! Keep your arrogance & let’s see where you will end up!!!
Oh My God, the person who wrote this thread is ready to kiss the King’s ass for money?
is that it?
because logically it all leads to this!
in order to save the INCOME generated by the expats we should accept INSULTS coming from their end and not react?
how low can someone be?
get some SELF RESPECT for God’s sake, or some manhood if you know what that means!
a leader said once: “better die standing then live crawling”…. in these moments of truth this saying sums it all…