
Why is Everyone so Outraged by The Interior Minister’s Statement?

7 years ago
Everyone’s outraged and shocked by Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq’s recent statement that tens of detainees arrested on charges of shooting celebratory gunfire were released due to political interference. Manshnouq went on to blame the judiciary ...

Human Rights Watch Urges Lebanon NOT To Resume Executions

7 years ago
Lebanon has not carried out any execution since 2004, yet every time an innocent person is killed by thugs or armed assholes, you see a lot of people urging the authorities to hang the guy ...

What Justice For Roy Hamoush?

7 years ago
Every time an innocent person gets killed by armed thugs, whether at a night club or on the road or even by accident, we start asking for justice and condemn the state of lawlessness that ...

Manal Assi’s Killer Not Getting Away That Easily with Murder

8 years ago
Mohammad Al Nhaily beat his wife Manal Assi to death with a pressure cooker back in 2014, leaving her to die in front of her two daughters. Last month, The Beirut Criminal Court reduced Nhaily’s ...

A Tribute To Lebanese Army Major Rabih Kahil

9 years ago
When I first read that an army officer called Rabih Kahil was rushed to a hospital and urgently needed blood, I thought at first that an army convoy somewhere got attacked or that the officer ...

How Do You Punish A 15 Year Old Boy Who Assaulted & Killed His 9-year old friend?

9 years ago
9 year old child Mahmoud Mohamad Khodr al-Assi was found murdered in Bchamoun – via MTV Mahmoud Mohammad Khodr al-Assi is a 9 year old boy who went missing on Friday afternoon and was later ...

Quote Of The Day By Marwan Charbel

11 years ago
So it’s either the Death Penalty or Freedom? Lol! English Version: Speaking of the Roumieh Prison scandal, Marwan Charbel stated that he found out during his visit that the conditions under which the prisoners are ...

Suzanne Tamim's Family Drops Case against Murderers

14 years ago
I can’t believe parents would sell out their own daughter for some money. There can’t be any other explanation to this piece of news to be honest. The family of slain Lebanese pop diva Suzanne ...