
Here’s a hilarious sketch by CHINN’s Abbass Jaafar on the Lebanese passport, the countries that we can fly to without a visa and the tons of documents that we need to prepare to get a short-stay visa. The Lebanese Passport is the world’s 9th worst passport and among the most expensive passports in the world, if not the most expensive. (and the biometric passports are not out yet!)

This reminded me of an old satiric post I wrote when the European Parliament agreed to let UAE citizens travel to Schengen Zone Countries without a visa.

EU Sets 10 Conditions To Grant Lebanon Visa-free Travel in Schengen Zone Countries

السفير اللبناني يمنع مواطن اميركي من دخول لبنان

Posted by Abbass Jaafar on Tuesday, March 8, 2016

See Also:Meet Lara Kay