Almost every sentence in this [article] objectionable or vomit-inducing. I really hope they don’t pay people to write such crap. At first, I wanted to write a lengthy reply but then I found the perfect answer.
So here we go:
To the person who wrote that piece,
– If you truly believe all beach resorts are insanely expensive in Lebanon
– If you are bothered by the “string” and the hot girls in bikinis
– If you have a difficulty ignoring showoffs wou jame3it el “Big Champagne”
– If you have a problem with beach resorts that don’t allow kids
– If you don’t like listening to music or having a DJ entertain you on the beach.
Here’s what you need to do. It’s free of charge, the water is bubbly but there’s no champagne, there’s no music, no girls in bikini and the food if you find any is for free.
Wtf is your porblem with the article. Beaches should be free in any country.
THat’s all u got from the article?
I wish Lebanon legalized topless sunbathing just so the person who wrote this article can have nipple nightmares.’s interesting to note that you posted how ridiculously expensive the red bull and water are at the airport are a few posts ago. Which is something the writer talks about. More so the author mentions that you can go to a public beach if you’d like anyways.
Sure you don’t like it don’t don’t wana buy don’t buy, and you don’t wana look at the women then don’t look, with that I totally agree with you.
But it’s apparent you missed the point of the article, which is why it’s so damn expensive to go to a beach that technically should be free to enter, and how dumb the people are for spending crazy amounts of money on encouraging what’s rightfully theirs being taken away.
Maybe through your blog and work you can afford to live that lavish life, but it’s not the same for everyone, and those botoxed pumped up lads and ladies should think a little deeper about what they’re doing when they invest so heavily in a corrupt scheme.
It’s not so expensive to go to beaches in Lebanon. Private resorts (pools mainly) are expensive but there are tons of free beaches to go to and tons of affordable ones as well. I’ve highlighted them on several occasions.
The whole point is not to hate on all the beaches that way and portray a bad and wrong image (order russian dancers to do a pole dance??) where the heck does that happen?
Even if this happens, I don’t understand why it would be wrong.
Yesterday, and for their first outing since school was over, my children had to choose between getting burgers at McDonald’s or having ice cream at Gelato as we could not afford both. Sadly McDonald’s has become the fancy restaurant we can no longer afford. But hey, as long as the richest 2% and the select few are enjoying themselves, then living in Lebanon is awesome !
I have always thought of you as a decent guy Najib, but you cannot seriously argue that prices and expenses are totally acceptable and that we can always choose the cheaper option. In Zahle where I live there are no free beaches and no cheap pools! The only free pool we’ve got is the inflatable one on my balcony!
Reality Check,
Why not have icecream at the many Lebanese shops? If you are in Zahle, there are plenty of spots to get icecream from that are much better than McDonalds and Gelato. Same for Beirut.
Going back to the topic at hand, where did I say that prices are acceptable? I say there are several beaches and resorts that vary in prices. Also, I rarely go to these fancy resorts because I don’t enjoy them not just because of the price. I go to the beach or pool to swim, not open champagnes or have a drink by the pool.
PS: There are no beaches in Zahle.
“There are no free beaches in Zahle”
Try Deir el A7mar. I hear the beaches are nice and sandy.
Deir L a7mar have a view on the beach . but the beach is in Baalbeck
Your reply is hurtful for those of us who can only only afford to bathe in the pool you show in the second picture.
He’s talking of a pain most Lebanese have every summer, only going to the beach a few of times in the summer since it’s so expensive to take your whole family and so hard for middle-class people to find a resort with a suitable price and clean facilities that is family-oriented, we’d go there after having a huge breakfast too, that’d last us all day, forget at all about eating or partying, something rich people like you take for granted.
Although his description is exaggerated it’s a way to describe the segment of the societal structure that finances the privatization of public property.
The beach should free and accessible to everyone, not a racket for the debaucherous or rich to play while the less well-off are left dispossessed of their right to enjoy nature and have to bear the scorching heat of the summer or tan on their balconies.
That second picture shown is obviously someone joking around. Again there are free beaches and VERY affordable pools for all people.
No he’s not talking about a pain most Lebanese have because again these private resorts cater to a certain group of people just like cheap resorts and free beaches cater to others. And I don’t know what’s the deal with expensive food at the beach, it’s relatively cheap unless again u r going to those VIP resorts.
Over-generalizing and portraying women in such a cheap way is not the proper way to raise this problem. Again this is not about beaches being free or not. Even if beaches are free, you will find people showing off there and opening bottles and you will also find women in “strings”
We’re in 2016 it is legal and necessary to get butthurt by anything…
In such sense, you would have been butthurt by that article, so you made an article about it, which got other people butthurt, ad infinitum.
However, the point is, the original article (or its author) pretends to be entitled to such luxuries and wants them banned in an implicit way. You replied saying that if they are so offended because they can’t afford/tolerate such places they should just bathe in shit. Comments replied by saying that not everyone that cannot afford such luxuries should be shamed.
And truth is, in fact, some of these phenomena cited in the original article are happening, although not at such degree, a lot less I guess since I’ve never been to similar places. Thus, some people do not tolerate such things because of whatever convictions they hold, and to say that these are inferior convictions is supremacism and elitism.
Also, a lot of people that cannot even afford a trip with their family to a decent beach, and let’s not talk about how unclean and filthy are public beaches, especially now with the garbage crisis. I would not say that property is theft, but now that most beaches are privatized and horribly expensive, I think that there should be some regulation.
I don’t know why you are so focused on the luxuries and money. For me the way he/she portrayed women and men at the beach resorts and how he’s being judgmental is wrong. And that guy is not bathing in shit for all I know.
Yes some are happening but not everywhere so you don’t generalize and trash all beaches. And speaking of clean beaches, most of these resorts have dirty beaches while the free ones are some of the cleanest and I’ve listed them in a separate post.
To all the people attacking the writer,
Everyone works to live the life they’re living and anywhere you go in the world you have different social classes and each social class can go to the places they can afford.
I don’t think Najib is attacking social classes; he’s attacking the writers that find anything to talk about and add all sort of fake details to it just to create a stupid, limited minded article.
To each woman he’s talking about her own body and the right to wear whatever she wants to wear and/or have plastic surgeries as much as she wants – we live in Lebanon not in KSA. And to each man spending his money on alcohol or women his right too (because I don’t think he’d he giving it to charity).
Having resorts for partying and going crazy exists everywhere in the world – at least in socialized societies. And if you’ve ever been anywhere in the world you would find free beaches and paid resorts – and prices of alcohol or food may vary from cheap to expensive depending on the place.
So I would say what about Lebanese journalists stop giving such a horrible idea of Lebanon because Lebanon could be an amazing country if the media would just show its true image instead of writing any article just because they can’t find anything else to talk about.
And Lebanon is full of free beaches you can go to, like we all do. And maybe you won’t find it in Zahle (walking distance from your house) because no the world doesnt revolve around you and it won’t anywhere in world. But what about we all stop nagging and accept the life we’re living? What about we keep working and wishing for success instead of attacking people to feel better about ourselves?
No success comes overnight and you have to struggle to upgrade or even keep the same lifestyle.
And no one said life is fair, some people are born rich and others work hard for it and some never get rich. But the least we can do is enjoy the life we are given. Because that’s what we all do being bloggers or not and being poor or rich.
Best of luck Najib.
Thank you
Good for you for looking at the world through pink glasses and living in some kind of “augmented reality”!
The truth is Najib tried making a joke by saying that those who find beaches and resorts expensives should bathe in mud puddles and open sewars. Well, some of us took offense because a very large portion of the Lebanese people is poor and often do not have access to a cheaper options. But now you’re taking offense on us taking offense, because our complaining is tarnishing the image of Lebanon !!
Let’s all agree it wasn’t a very funny joke and move on with our lives. By all means, go back to your ponies, rainbows ans unicorns, and we’ll go back to our crappy mud puddles. Because hey, life is unfair and we should be grateful for the crap we’re simmering in.
“Those who find beaches and resorts expensives should bathe in mud puddles and open sewars”
Please tell me where I said that.
The author is writing his subjective opinion, which should be limited to his Facebook status and not published on a news portal which many believe is a source of credible information.
N, not replying to his article would have been a better move. It will vanish slowly.
Although I find your response with the posted picture very funny, I believe that you are missing the point from the article (I also do not agree on the language and style of the article) and it is not your fault but because, like any new social phenomena pushing the limits of the social values, there is some hesitation and confusion, and some people are aggressively with, without any understanding of the others’ point of view:
1- Going to an expensive beach resort or swimming pool is your choice but having the political mafia expropriate all the nice beaches for their own well-being and keeping for you the shitholes like the one you posted and then marketing them as the normal places to spend a day on the beach is a total hijack of your own rights for an open, safe, decent and healthy environment (which, I believe, you are usually promoting here on this blog, unless you do so sometimes for a certain agenda or to make certain favors);
2- Some acts on some lebanese beaches are not considered as a family or even decent entertainment but are considered more as glamour, sexual suggestive, in short, cabaret-like, which no one has the right to prohibit, because they have their own culture and society, but picturing them as the normal beach activities and the way to have fun on the beach is even outrageous in the most open countries where, even in topless beaches, clothing-optional beaches and FKK resorts such acts are prohibited and there are guidelines of acceptable behavior.
Usually, cabaret-like beaches would be secluded and clearly marked as such, and classified in order to avoid any amalgamation or acts which may be considered by some as indecent exposure.
If you are promoting a free society, then you should also protect the freedom of others not to see such acts, which, unfortunately, is not done nowadays on lebanese beaches, even if they pay to enter, because usually, the arrogant prevails, and the well-mannered is always scolded, and that is, as many have pointed out, because the lebanese have lost their mooring.
1- 100% agree on the mafias hijacking the nice beaches but again that wasn’t the point from the article and I’ve read it several times. The whole article was about what’s happening there and the certain lifestyle that is bothering the author so much. The problem with free beaches is one I have long covered throughout the years and the latest was Dalieh and that beautiful beach with a Phoenician port in the South that is also being hijacked.
2- Where did you see me picture them as the normal beach activities? If anything, I’d like the author to tell me where these acts are taking place because I’ve never heard of Russian doing lap dances on Lebanese beaches.
“The arrogant prevails, and the well-mannered is always scolded, and that is, as many have pointed out, because the lebanese have lost their mooring”.
I beg to differ and I’ve been doing my best to prove this wrong and all people should by taking initiatives and stepping up instead of going with the flow and accepting things as they are, or hating on everyone and bashing everything and everyone online.
Maaaa Ahbalaaaak Najibbb, itsss noot expensivee to goo to beachss in lEbanonnn?lett me tell youuu someethinng , even whoever wrote thaat crapp they knows thryre taking the least minimun of the salariesss ,howw dareee youuu , gooo open your CHampagne bottle at some beach resort …
you have the choice to go to the location that suits you, last Wednesday I was off and i wanted to go relax on the beach, a QUIET beach and I didnt want to pay too much.
i went to nahr brahim, its surprisingly clean, and i paid 15000LL (parking, chair, table, umbrella) and it was a nice quiet place . i liked it. even you can bring your own picnic stuff as long as you clean when you finish
I m sorry Najib, but this is one post I strongly disagree with. Yes the majority of the beaches in Lebanon are papaz driven, and to be honest, this is degrading to society. And if you can see that, then I have to look at other blogs to get my daily dose of entertainment. It is only natural that eventually people will criticize the way beaches in lebanon function after all these years. You have to learn to live with it and respect other peoples opinion.
You said something about ignoring the big champagne guys. NO I don’t want to ignore them, I don’t have to. They should be educated enough not to believe in materialism, and if they can’t, the beach (and nature) is not where they should be.
but still we re not gonna disagree on one bad/degrading post over a big number of posts you wrote. To be honest, I have a feeling that you didn’t get your msg right and that you didn’t mean what was said. Or you meant something else. But the average reader will def take you for an elite who are shaming people who can’t afford vip spots.
Voice of Reason,
If the majority of beaches are like that and people enjoy them then we should accept that fact and respect their will. I disagree though and I think most people want to hit the beaches to swim and have fun.
As for educating these people, it’s not my job nor anyone’s job to tell other people what to do. As long as it’s legal to each his own.
I didn’t suggest anywhere that those who cannot afford VIP beaches shouldn’t go there. I said it’s a shame to generalize on all Lebanese beaches and trash them especially when there are many that cater to all sorts of people. My post was very clear. I am surprised you came up with such a conclusion.
And thank u for following and I hope you will keep on doing so.
to be honest, you kind of gave that perception. But like I said I know you didn’t mean it or got the msg confused a bit.
I understand that your main critique is that there are plenty of other non-vip beaches to enjoy, but they way lebanon and lebanese are is that you either are hitting the vip beaches and playing “the game” or you suck and go to low quality beaches/pools.
I can now come to the conclusion that the beaches in lebanon portray very well the inequality and huge gap between rich and poor. Or rich wannabes and poor. These beaches are the best place for rich wannabes. because rich people wouldn’t degrade themselves (I am talking humanistic rich not cash rich). and for me its not about the money, I don’t go to such beach because its degrading and materialistic.
what I’m trying to say, is that you either have top location and its very expensive, or you have shit places. There is nothing in the middle. Like you can’t be to an affordable beach and find quality cultured people. and you can’t go to vip beaches because of big champagne guys. 3al2a lol
Part2 from the same author just to show you it’s not the prices that are of concern to him
You just did the same mistake the writer of that article did, he included all the beach resorts in his articles, you said: “Almost every sentence in this article objectionable or vomit-inducing”, but somehow almost every sentence in this article is true, read the article again and try not to think of every place you know, ask your friends about what he mentioned, and u will definitely find somehow everything he mentioned is happening in some place in Lebanon.
So i think the lesson here is for both of you, never generalize particular cases.
I don’t see your point. I said he’s generalizing and there are places that cater to everyone. How am I doing the same mistake?
Please enlighten me.
Whaat free beachess do we have Najibb?Tyre?Thats a loong way, Shekkaanfeh?loong wayy too, and you cant go to Shekka everytime , or Pierre and Friends ?Again a loong way from beirut ,these r the only 3 free beachess .Is tbsat youve applied to canada ?
Ive enlightened youuu, stop arguinng , either youre on prozac or dreaming in LalaLand
Yess, itss too expensivee to go to beaches nowadayss, thst im considering getting Solarium, its cheaper but had its dangers ,goo and check the entrance feess anddd the exuberant pricess everywheree ,everyyyy beach, Orchid, Waves , All jounieh, most zjbeil , Batroun, anddd btwwww before you even tell usss Makhsoom or Gosawa dont offer good packages and by the time weve opened their page, the packages will have ended and its the Lebanese postinng anddd advertising on Instagram , advertising expensive lifestyle
Itsss onlyyy the ppless fault, insteadd of havinng fun, goo and do a Revolution and a Good oneee nooot a failed one , cowardss you lebaneseee , bass te7kooo, you onlyy talkkk instead of sticking together
Lebanese onlyyy show off wherr theyve been to , on fb and instagram ,what beaches , which nightclubs, what new pubs , splashing their money away in this lowest point economy , soo yess this tasteless article at leaaast says the truth ,ba3d be2elna el joura
Regardless of Najib’s subjective opinion or the critique brought by the author of the article. We cannot disregard the decadent status our society has reached.
People are more selfish, individualistic, morally decadent and lack compassion towards the poor and needy. We need more self-less and altruistic people. It is not wrong to own money nor to be rich but we should rather not become slaves to it and center our lives around it and how to amass riches.
I wish Najib that you post more posts like the one of the homeless man rather than critique a crying voice of a person that I can fairly say represents a big chunk of the Lebanese people.
word! very well said.
At this rate , and at the rate of the economy of the country at least four years ago, you should be downtoearth enough not to advertisee the expensiveeee places you go to ,and the least concerning should be the level at how the article was written , the most important is the target of the article
Another thing , go and write abt the level of materialism of the lebanese compared to the economy of their country, and instead of being downtoearth, thy go on competitions on fb nd instagram, you should all fix your country, and the state youve taken this country to, because of pure materialism, and not sticking to each other , anywayy, thats all i have to say
As for Christelle , the commentator , how superficial you are , im Done
And insteadd of all the things you post on Instagram, as a blogger you should be an inspiration, please write abt thr poverty in Leb , abt how pple go and take loans to travel, do pladtic surgeries …
Minar, I am sure you are fun at parties.
What’s up with the extra letters in every word?!
Najib and his blog are his personal space, he can say whatever he wants. He doesn’t have to be an inspiration or anything, he’s just a blogger.
If you don’t like his opinion, just start your own and blog away….
ohh ahmddfattt, are partiesss the only thing you do in lebbb?ohhh, im sure you dont have anything elsee to dooo,
psss..mustve been busyy hirinng someone to write those words
ohhh AhmatFat , i already did, and a blogger yess ,hee should be an ispiration
Ahmafattt, is partiess all you thinkk abt in Lebbbb?ohh yess, you dont have anything else to do