Picture via MayaZankoul
There are tons of videos I’d like to upload and share on the blog, many YouTube documentaries, courses and tutorials I’d like to watch but that’s not possible not just because of the internet’s speed but because I could waste my 500MB 3G quota or 2.5GB DSL quota in a day or two.
Just like Mustapha said, we need a fast, abundant and cheap internet and so far we’re doing it wrong and falling behind.
The sad truth though is that even if the internet in Lebanon is very fast, the fastest in the world even, that’s not what is important. What really matters, what makes a big difference is that we have a fast, abundant and cheap internet. The internet should be so fast, so cheap and so abundant that people won’t think twice before hitting play on an online video that could teach them new things. There should be so much internet around that people will casually download 10 iPad educational apps for their kids (1GB each), decide which one they liked most and then delete the others (because they can always download them later). Backing your entire hard drive online should be as casual as eating breakfast. There should be no feelings of guilt for “wasting” the internet. Unlike water, bits can be infinite. And yet because of a short-sighted government policy, the Lebanese still treat the internet like a scarce resource. [BeirutSpring]
Read the full article [Here].
PS: I can upgrade to a better DSL plan to 10 or 20GB download caps but due to the lack of a proper infrastructure in Keserwan, I cannot have more than 1 MB speed so it’s like I am paying money for more Gbs with the same speed which is absurd.
Dream on..
The infrastructure providing DSL today has been upgraded during Hariri’s era (back in 1995-96 the much criticized million landlines plan), and then.. we stopped there.
In Saudi,the fibers serve 20Mbps for $80 including FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE, and you can go up to 200Mbps if you wish and would like to pay for it.
Happy Torrenting
i live in jounieh and have 4MB connection, ppl nag too much
I live in Jounieh and Ogero told me on 3 occasions I can’t get more than 1 Mb.
You do know you have unlimited download at night right?
Who gives a shit about youtube? Go download utorrent, and start downloading games and porn movies every night from 12 till 7. I have the cheapest 1Mbps/4GB Ogero DSL plan and I downloaded about 60GB worth of games and movies just last month. Plus I watch youtube videos during the day at my leisure whenever I want to, and I’ve never paid more then 20,000LL in extra consumption. I think there’s an exaggeration of how much bandwidth youtube videos really take.
most probably because ur home is more than 3 KM away from the CO
this year a plan is underway to install cabinets and DVSL (besides FFTH fiber to the home)so that ppl who r far from the CO will have high speeds and will have no problem
ppl have to be patient a bit they waited more than a decade
ppl can wait 1 year or maybe less, lots of things r underway in parallel, 3a shu baddo yla7i2 el zalameh mballash men 0
i wanna note also that ogero tech support is completely useless, i suffered 9 months of problem from their side, tons of calls, they either answer and have no clue whats going on, or they dont even answer, and just hang up in ur face after u waste 5 mins listening to the music. Only way i managed to fix my conx was after i got an email of a senior engineer at ogero (and he fixed it in manner of hours after i mailed him).
Even made a youtube about it, and tweeted it to the minister: http://youtu.be/60i24jhQnew (was my first and last vid i ever made)
haha happy much internet upgraded for an average of 1mb/s, happy much? well kill your self, because the global internet connection average is 15mb/s and unlimited.Per example when i went in usa the internet connection speed was 100mb/s it was unlimited and cheap as like 20$
nikola sehnawi and charbel nahas and marwan hamade all of em are GAY!!! a telecommunication engineer told that all 3 of them take infrastructure cables and mostly huge tall antennas and shove em up there asses that’s why they all hate each other and they are always fighting over the tallest antenna….well guys this is why internet in Lebanon is so slow also abdel meneem youssif is GAY and he sucks shit for breakfast
you rock!!
problem=abdel meneem youssif !