That’s some great news but a bit hard to believe to be honest. I wish they could provide more information as to what criteria are being considered when ranking those towns?
According to this list, Beirut is ahead of Las Vegas, Rio de Janeiro, Ibiza, Budapest and many others.
But in spite of its history of violence, Beirut puts great stock in having a good time. And there’s no shortage of trussed-up beautiful locals keen to be seen in Beirut’s bars and clubs.
Don’t even think about going out in Beirut before 10pm – and even then, it had better be for dinner. Dancefloors are dead until around 1am.
While there are a raft of upmarket clubs around town – such as Sky Bar, the ultra-glam venue affording a panoramic view of the Mediterranean coastline and boasting a filthy rich clientele of local celebs – we prefer the quirkier nightspots. [TNT]
Yani, not that hard to believe as it is the locals who party whereas in other places, it is mostly the tourists or out-of-towners! I tend to agree! Beirut rocks
The media always looks for contradiction.. wow a war torn country partying like there was no tomorrow, in the middle east, east/west, arabs.. etc
Nothing beats Vegas. If the main criteria is the roofs lol…then Beirut rocks.
Vegas has amazing variety of entertainment and fun…I guess this dude has never been in one of the awesome clubs in any of the casinos…
It seems that the person who wrote this article hasn’t travelled ever, he even doesn’t surf online at all. Maybe he is lebanese…
Beirut #1 Party Town in the world …. and u post a picture of Jounieh ?!?!?!
The picture is from the article not from me.
hehe how come u didn’t comment then ? mesh men 3adtak
Walla I didn’t wanna to sound too negative