They’re just scissor doors, a simple modification which can be applied to any car. Was popular a few years back along with spinners. Reply
You call it “wozz”, others use it as an opportunity to get creative. Check out the TV show “Pimp my ride” At least that guy didn’t spend that money to buy guns, good for him and for us. Reply
Roger, i have no issue with the rims, just the trademark “dwelib mfarshkheen” (out of balance back wheels) Reply
You have to admit that the color makes all the difference though..
They’re just scissor doors, a simple modification which can be applied to any car. Was popular a few years back along with spinners.
yea and cost 200-400$ (depends on quality) maximum
i see its an ugly car !
look at the trademark “wozz” back wheels..
You call it “wozz”, others use it as an opportunity to get creative. Check out the TV show “Pimp my ride” At least that guy didn’t spend that money to buy guns, good for him and for us.
Roger, i have no issue with the rims, just the trademark “dwelib mfarshkheen” (out of balance back wheels)
and that body kit looks terrible… very ugly fenders and skirts
probably stole it piece by piece