I’ve been hearing a lot about Stone restaurant which opened recently in the Old Souks in Zouk so I decided to pass by yesterday to see how it looks like. The first thing that caught my attention was how big and how beautiful this restaurant is. I don’t think I’ve seen bigger in Lebanon. It is also very nicely located and has a great view of the Jounieh bay and of Beirut.
Stone serves international food and its prices are affordable from what I hear. In fact, their Sunday lunch menu which includes Appetizers, Salad, Main Course, Dessert and Drinks is for 30$ only which is very reasonable.
They are also featuring Il Tenor Eliya Francis every Thursday starting December 22. This guy is amazing and performs at Mandaloun. He’s probably the only Tenor we have in Lebanon. They charge 10$ extra for the show.
I was told the food is excellent but I will have to try it and judge for myself, hopefully very soon. Also, I hope it will revive the old Zouk a bit because it’s a beautiful yet forgotten area.
You can check out its website [Here].
I’ve checked their website, simply amazing. Makes you wanna try this restaurant. Personally I definitely will. Thanks Najib
hahaha i really cant believe it. lebanese people really know how to take advantage of their smartness!
thanks for ur article!
I agree with u Cynthia:)
Did I miss something?
i recall that the tenor in mandaloun is edgard aoun; and that eliya sings or perhaps used to sing at la piazza in monot
the guy in mandaloun is NOT ELIYA
and there r other KNOWN tenors .. like amine hachem AT LIBRARY gemmayze
and **PAVOS** at le particulier sodeco
I am almost sure Eliya was singing at Mandaloun last time I went there. Don’t know about the others that’s why I said probably.
Thanks for the info.
Hello marz, you r right abt the mandaloun Eliya never been there. but i wanted to mention few things about the 2 others u talked about,
* Amine Hachem is not a tenor he is a baritonist, fi fare2.
* Pavos is a tenor but it’s better to say he is practicing a hobby he doesn’t have a professional performance.
* You can hear Eliya and see the difference
i usually follow up those things because i like classic music alot :)))
Best regards
Nice, I heard Eliya he seems good enough for you. So you think Pavo is practicing a hobby ? do u practice your hobbies that good ?
As u claim to be someone with interest in classic music please link me to someone that sings fluently in 14 languages. He has great capacities that non of the names below are even close to.
Am not offended by any comment; But am shocked why would people compromise to hear others while they can hear PAVO
Õ‡Õ¶Õ¸Ö€Õ°Õ¡Õ¾Õ¸Ö€ ÕÕ¸Ö‚Ö€Õ¢ Ô¾Õ¶Õ¸Ö‚Õ¶Õ¤ (Merry Christmas) to Chahe, Mark, Sarine, Michele & others who might be celebrating Christmas today.
You missed the telephone number Najib :p
Well my dear, Pavo is definitly a prefossional Tenor, he has TV performances,concerts in Europe, and UAE … He has the capacity to sing in 14 languages with perfect prononciation and most importantly he has magnificient what we call “makherej al 7ourouf” in all of the languages which is exceptional, he has an incredible directory, he sings more than opera style, he can even sing arabic, which includes the 1/4 of a tone, he was noticed by big names in the music world … all that at the age of 24
Cheers Pavo … we are so proud to have people like you in lebanon!
strongly agree.
frankly guys, i’ve had the honor to get to watch performances by the names mentioned by marz up there! and honestly each one of them has his own unique style! i don’t think there is competition in a sense of market! and for Claudine i say: i guess Chimene is somehow right in a sense of way when it comes to Eliya! cuz he has his own songs! but on the other hand Pavo has his own professional career too and i guess he’s working on his own album now! as for Amine and Edgard they are also on with their professional careers in high class restaurants/night clubs!
In conclusion, this actually makes me feel proud that we do have such greet vocal potential in Lebanon! so lets not underestimate any of them and just wish them the best of luck!
high respect to all!
Hey Najib!
Did you end up trying Stone? Wanna take my aunt there for her birthday and am curious as to whether your expectations were met (i.e., menu, taste, affordability, etc.)
Oops, I just saw your update! (i’m new to your blog and rapidly devouring it :))
Haha I was about to link you. I don’t wanna sound harsh on the place since I’ve been one time but I am not impressed.
Did you go to Babel or not yet? I suggest you take her there and amaze here
When is her bday? I will post my review on Babel maybe tonight cause it’s been pending for a while, that way you will have an idea on what to expect.