Picture from Al-Akhbar
Update: Check out Pictures of Assir in Faraya [Here].
It seems Al-Assir’s ski trip to Faraya today has become the story of the day after few Kfardebian residents decided to block the road and prevent him from going skiing or whatever he was planning to do.
Not that I like this guy, but why would anyone want to prevent him from going to the ski slopes? If it’s not political like everyone is saying what is it then? Is it because he has a long beard?
No one has the right to prevent Assir or anyone else from going to Faraya or anywhere else in Lebanon, unless it’s the army or police and for valid reasons.
Photoshopped picture of Assir – via Julien
Looooool,muslims really embarrass us ,what would Leb be without the Christians
That’s the wrong attitude
are you stupid or something
im christian myself, but I don’t think muslims embaress us
you shouldn’t even be a christian you low person
Just for info Rima, we Christians destroyed our country like no other religion did!
and i wish that your racist comment will be deleted!
Rima? Lebanon would be a better place without fanatics like el Assir and YOURSELF!!!! What an extremist attitude. I am a muslim. I am nothing like what you see on TV. I drink, I party, I do everything you too.
It is people like YOU who embarrass us LEBANESE. People like YOU who will drag this country to a civil war. Ya 3ayb el shoum 3leyke!!
+1 to Rachel and Rayane
Thank you Najib. Why can’t we just all co-exist? It starts from within. If people like Rima want to live on their own little island I suggest we buy her a one way ticket there
Who’s in???
Better yet, why can’t we all just “exist” ?? the term “co-exist” entails by definition that we’re different hence the need to “co” exist, but we’re not different, we’re all the same underneath, we’re all human beings. So I ask again, why can’t we just exist?
Hey, what about me?
+ 2 for you
Seems like the Christians of Lebanon (Maronites?) have not learned anything yet! Shame on the racist attitude!
The area is very sensitive to Salafis accompanied with some tens of followers.He should have coordinated his visit and given some insurances to the locals. This is Lebanon and it may also happen in any region of the world even in the civilized countries and even on diplomatic level. It is called a persona non grata
Kill long bearded men ,it’s a shame this country’s going down ,i’m ashamed of being Lebanese,that’s why they embarass us at evey gate in every airport ,we’re going to be labeled like Afghans soon
Rima please ma tejemle kel l 3alam,
As there are shitty Muslims there are also shitty Christians…
Dear Najib, as a resident snowboarder on Mzaar’s slopes i have seen many politicians skiing and spending whole days on the slopes but not had with him 500 supporters and never has any managed to make a political or religious meeting up there because it is socially known that there are all 18sects living together all year around…
His act was certainly offensive against all people who go and enjoy the slopes… He declared his visit publicly, raised his supporters and made a convoy through the streets of Faraya and Kfardebian… if a LF or FPM convoy passed in Saida’s square and organized a meeting there it would have been a massacre and very offensive to the people of Saida…
He could just have jumped into his car and headed up there without anyone noticing… In my opinion his act was intentionally provocative and he and him alone must face he consequences, hoping that the rest of the country won’t be dragged in his stupidity…
To hell with such people!
I don’t see how it is offensive if he’s with 1 person or 500. He knows he might run into trouble, he won’t go with 10 people only. He organized a field trip with his whole crew and supporters and wifes from Saida. Instead of blocking roads, welcome them and let them pay money.
That’s the smart thing to do, not pay 50 guys to cause trouble and block roads because I will never believe this was a natural reaction from the area’s residents.
I don’t buy the fact that he came to Kfardebian to enjoy the snow, the mountains stretch even far beyond Saida… Clearly he came to make a big statement, and informed the media to witness that statement… He knew what would happen the moment he chose the location and announced it in a very cold way as if “ana tale3 la fo2, ma 7ada elo ma3e w choufo chou badkon ta3emlo”
And if you do visit Mzaar you can clearly see what convoys come and do during the day; they get they’re own food, own drinks, own entertainment, invade the slopes by foot, and picnic on the same place where skiers ride…
let us be realistic…
David it is because of attitude of people like you Lebanon has not been a nation! So you are invoking “no beard” zone on your freaking ski slope? Is Asir Lebanese?…Are the slopes on Lebanese territory?… or are the slopes reserved for you?
I don’t like the Asirs or Sayyed Nassrallah’s of this world; but if they wanted to go to a picnic within the confines of the law? Why would you segregate them? I can see the comments and am reaffirmed with my belief that you don’t guys will never learn to be CIVILIZED! No wonder being Lebanese is a dirty word in the other side of your pityfull little mountain!
Dear Gianni,
He is the most welcomed to ski as long as he doesn’t make a big deal out of himself in a location that he intentionally chose to provoke this havoc… read what i clearly before, other politicians and religious figures always spend holidays up there without anyone even noticing… the fact that he “marketed” his trip a religious means he was tackling sectarianism…
It’s your decision to be optimistic about his intentions… i am definitely not…
I have served and still serving the Lebanese society in many ways..
What have you done to your society? talk about yourself before sending accusations left and right…
no accusations. just facts! It’s your words. Irrespective on how anyone “markets” his trip; it is his right to go anywhere in Lebanon. I am against any ‘forbidden” zones ala HA. I am happy you contribute to your society. Make sure that your don’t think you can grant freedoms based on your interpretations of others’ intentions.
when you take a convoy of 400 persons and invite the media a week ahead, I don’t think it would still count as a ski trip
someone’s making sense !
thank u !
You just don’t know how to organize a Revolution ,Leb is going backwards and is going to be the nest for heballah and qaida ,maybe they’ll all ski together who knows loool (ironically ),yes and i’m ashamed of my country giving such an image ,what a loss
Stop spamming please.
get a life!
Then leave this country you fanatic low life!!!!!! I can not believe you are hating an entire religion based on ”long beards”.. Those are EXTREMISTS, you know, like your sorry a**. You will get along just fine with them if you stay here habibte. If you were in front of me I would totally bitch slap you. MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loool,maybe he’s promoting the 50% tourism package loooooool,i promise last comment :p but it really is pathetic to have a guy like this walk out alive
I think there is no smoke without fire, before judging and analyzing and shooting from your hips. You must think outside the Box, he showed that there are some people that will prevent him from going there, plus, even if you don’t believe that he did that on purpose or not, you proved that it was your mistake and not his, so he has a point.
Second, am a muslim and what Rima said is really offensive, maybe because of this mentality and attitude you are facing problems at the airports. respect yourself to gain others, akid your thought represent you and the way you were raised, ta2efiyeh.
too bad the picture hasn’t been photoshopped with his face wearing sunglasses…
well, there will probably be a next time when he will go paragliding or windsurfing or ice skating or something. hope he’ll get photoshopped with sunglasses next time… it just looks more real!
Acually im noott ta2ifiyeh ,what i was saying is people like Assir and others tarrnishing Leb’s image ,actually i’d prefe if Leb was a neutral state but it won’t ,it’s noot in ttheir interest but it’s the attitude in this countrry that’s made me like them ,that’s why THEY ARE PATHETIC ,i’m glad i’m now a lebanese living abroad but you don’t know what they really talk aboout the lebanese and what remarks they make unless u live abroad ,once u live there ull see
This is why i hate it here becauuse it’s made me like them ,once i leave it’s different
Since when is the image of Leb without a beard? Who do you work for “Gillette”? Beards are for men in general and not just for religious people.
Its not the image that you should care much about, but the ideology behind it! As Lebanon is subdivided to many different groups within each sect, today Lebanon is on fire caused by people who have extreme ideologies, and your not helping at all with your racist comments. Its a shame that Muslims are criticized by their beards, while today you have dangerous plans “on the go” by other religious groups, sects and political parties. You my dear are with no doubt completely lost!
I think Aseer made his point when he decided to go and hit the slopes. It’s his right as a Lebanese Citizen to go to every Lebanese corner without the approval of any other Lebanese person or authority. I don’t like him, or his extreme religious beliefs, but that doesn’t mean he should not go skiing or have a picnic anywhere in Lebanon, or pray where and when he chooses to. Faraya is not Christian, nor Muslim, its Lebanese! So set your statements straight before being blind with your ridiculous non-sense bullshit!
The problem with Assir is not his beard or his religion, but his intolerance. Christians of Abra until now cannot celebrate in their churches properly without being harrassed by Al-Assir’s followers, he was against Christmas decorations in Saida. The Minister of Interior always compares apples to bananas. Everyday, there are hundreds of muslims from all denominations visiting Faraya and Kfardebyan and are most welcome, but Assir is using it as part of his haste speech. He is not welcomed until he changes his non-tolerant speech.
very well said
This whole issue is hilarious.
Actually, the problem is not because he has a long beard or because he’s muslim, the problem is that the guy is an extremist in his religion. Salafism is very dangerous for all the religions in lebanon (christian, chi’a , sunna , druze etc.) . The act of mr assir is an act of provocation : he’s free to go alone skiing or whatever , but he’s not free to provocate the people of a christian village by bringing 500 fideles and organizing a priest there . However , 8th of march will take -unfortunatly- profit of this situation , knowing that mr assir is not a part of 14th march . What’s sad in all this , its that mr assir say a lot of good things in his speeches …
was fadel shaker with them today?
Lek el 3ama ye3mi albkon shu btel3o w betje2o ..baled zbele ..ro7o ndofso into w yeh
First of All,
there is no ski slopes in FARAYA
Faraya is a village down the valley
thank you
i just want to ask the owner of this site , its a shame to do this with a Muslim sheikh even if you don’t agree with him ,just imagine a stupid guy like you do the same or worse in your POP , so please remove it ,
For the people who is ashamed from Muslims in this country we just feel the same about somebody like you which don’t belong in anyway to Christianity which we respect .
Is he free to pray where an when he wants? No, he’s not free even if there’s 1 christian . Neither a christian is free to pray where a when he want . The religion is your relation between you and your god .