It’s true what they say that “Time flies when you’re having fun”. Brian has officially turned two on Saturday and the past 24 months have been tiring but thrilling, exciting and more importantly rewarding.
Raising a kid is a tough task but we’re enjoying *almost* every moment of it and I’m making sure I document every milestone he achieves and pretty much everything he does, whether it’s smiling, crying, sleeping, pooping, peeing on us during shower time, taking his first steps, saying his first words, babbling nonsense, calling his mom, dancing, singing, jumping, falling, doing goofy expressions, kicking with his feet etc.
For his second birthday, I decided to look back at the past 24 months and dig out a picture from almost every month to see how much Brian has changed. It’s probably the most rewarding part of being a parent, seeing your children develop everyday as well as changing for the better.
Year 2015:

Year 2016:

Year 2017: