#FitB4Christmas: Week 2 Recap

I was less active during Week 2 and only averaged 10,077 steps on a daily basis but I've been skipping dinners when I wasn't able to exercise and I found a small mini cycle that I had forgotten about at home, so I completed a 20K cycle 3 times. I did twice the push-up exercises but I'm still behind schedule. As of this morning, I've lost so far 3.4 KG and I'm hoping to pick…

6 Months Already

When the clock struck 4 am on Tuesday the 22nd of November, it will have been six months since we parted ways. Half a year felt like twenty and I know this applied to the rest of my family and close friends. I keep on hearing “Yalli khallaf ma met” and bit by bit the saying is proven accurate. One starts to reflect on the legacy left behind by a death, what they had left…

How Can a Parent Throw His/Her Newborn Baby in The Trash?

7 years ago
Yesterday I was reading about a baby that was found in the trash in Egypt and then a friend shared with me an article about a newborn baby girl found near Abou Arab in Choueifat. ...

Waking Up To A Horrific Terror Attack in Nice

8 years ago
VALERY HACHE / AFP – Getty Images I got back home around 10:30 PM yesterday and was chatting with a close friend of mine in Nice while watching the Jounieh fireworks. An hour later, he ...

A Fatherless Father’s Day

8 years ago
Tomorrow is Father’s Day in Lebanon but this year Dad won’t be around to celebrate it with us. It’s been a month and we miss him terribly. I miss his morning calls, his laughs, his ...

Like Father, Like Son

8 years ago
A week after clinching The 2016 Young Investigator Award, my brother collected two new awards this week: The Humanitas award for being a good human and another award for being an awesome clinician. He dedicated ...

#BlogWaladi: Baby Brian’s First F1 Experience

8 years ago
Prior to the F1 showrun that took place a couple of weeks ago, The Red Bull F1 team made two stops in the Cedars and Byblos. Since I couldn’t take Brian to the show run ...

My Brother, Dr. Zahi Ibrahim Mitri, Awarded The 2016 Young Investigator Award

8 years ago
Since I keep sharing news about Lebanese shining abroad, I thought it’s about time I brag about my own brother, Dr. Zahi Mitri who was awarded The 2016 Young Investigator Award by the Conquer Cancer ...

An Interview I Did 16 Years Ago

8 years ago
I was looking through my father’s papers when I spotted a picture of myself and a small interview I did with a local newspaper. I am not sure if it’s Annahar but the interview was ...

Here’s to All The Super Dads Out There!

8 years ago
I don’t think there’s anything that can prepare you for the loss of a parent. I surely wasn’t prepared, no one was prepared for my father’s sudden death. It was a large blow for all ...