Based on what I read on BrofessionalReview, the SmiLebanon campaign was launched by the Ministry of Tourism to promote the 50 days sales period initiated by the Tourism Minister himself and encourage Arab tourists to come visit Lebanon.
The first ad is nice (a bit too emotional though?) while the second is horrible, but I don’t see how those ads are supposed to bring us any tourists. Maybe it’s safer if we go back to showing hot Lebanese girls in pubs and on the beach, or make a winter version of the [Lebanon Blues] campaign, or even better include our gorgeous Miss Lebanon and her twin sister in one of the ads.
hala2 wein hal mahlet li 3amleen discount ?
Yes, exactly. Where can we find those deals, particularly the flight discounts?
Interesting to see that the ad is done by Clementine, that belongs to non other than Aoun’s daughter…
Talk about transparency from the minister/ministry
Lebanon should adapt a “las Vegas” style motto such as , “what happens in Lebanon, stay in Lebanon”
A place where the Arabs could come and be free without the stigmas and shame they feel in their own countries.
The social freedoms and natural beauty of Lebanon are a jewel in the middle east and if Lebanese are wise, they could use these to their fullest potential.. but of course, without national security.. people will continue to stay away.
Clementine ad agency, Orange TV, who knows maybe soon Lemon newspaper lollll
Absolutely terrible ad. Totally off brief. Don’t know where to start. If the objective was to increase tourism in Lebanon (which it should be) the ad has failed to convince anyone. It fails to meet both emotional objectives and functional objectives. The ad shows nothing from Lebanon, it gives no reason for anyone to visit. Poor poor Lebanon got a poor poor ad.
As a tourist from the UK visiting next week, I have heard about the campaign, but there is no campaign website/ no information on what discounts are available. There is no information on the Ministry website. Hopeless!
Does anyone have a link to the hotels that are offering discounts?
Hey guys you can check the packages here
What about the khamsin heat wave “ad” ! I think it has something to do with the 50% for 50 days compaign. Bs if it’s true than what a fucked up ad it is…