Old Pictures of Beirut From The National Library of France Archives

I stumbled upon today an aerial shot of Beirut's port taken in 1929 by François Pierre-Alype, found on the National Library of France website. I dug out the website, searched for all the Beirut-related pictures on it and there are 94 of them dating from the 1800s and 1930s. The quality of these old pictures is quite amazing. Check them out! Consulat de France à Beyrouth : Vignes, Louis . Bords de la rivière du…

Xposure To Sponsor Refugee Boy Photographed Reading A Book in The Garbage

Rodrigues Mghames' photo of the 10-year old boy reading in the garbage dump, which went viral on all social media channels, has been featured in this year's XPOSURE International Photography Festival, and the festival has decided in cooperation with The Big Heart Foundation, to sponsor the education of the little boy until he completes high school. Mghames, who is a Lebanese engineer and university professor, spotted Hussein outside his office, spoke to him, published his…

Tayyouneh Clashes Featured in Reuters’ Pictures of the Year 2021

3 years ago
2021 was unfortunately yet another year marked by protests, violence and instability for Lebanon. Unlike the years where extravagant Christmas trees or festivals would tour the world, Reuters has featured Mohamed Azakir’s photo of an ...

Lebanese Habib Emile Dergham Wins The 2021 “Paris Match Grand Prize for Photography”

3 years ago
Habib Emile Dergham, a 26-year old Lebanese photographer from Bouar, has won the “Paris Match” 2021 Grand Prize for Photography, a competition that includes over 50,000 participants from all over France. Dergham, who is pursuing ...

Lebanese Photographer Myriam Boulos is This Year’s Magnum Photos Nominee

3 years ago
Magnum Photos is an international photographic cooperative owned by its photographer-members, with offices in New York City, Paris, London and Tokyo. This year, at the 74th Annual General Meeting (AGM), two new nominees were selected ...

Drone Footage of The Mokhtara palace

3 years ago
The Mokhtara Palace is one of the most prestigious and well preserved palaces in Lebanon. The 17th century mansion, which was destroyed in 1825 during struggles between the Druze sheikhs and Emir Bachir Shihab II, ...

Rare Shots From Inside the Jeita Grotto

4 years ago
Photographer Florian Kriechbaumer shared on his instagram yesterday rare shots from inside the Jeita Grotto. Tourists are forbidden from taking pictures inside the grotto but Kriechbaumer was exceptionally allowed to snap few shots hours after ...

Lebanese Photographer Akl Yazbeck Wins 2021 Dakar Rally Émilie-Poucan Award

4 years ago
Sports Photographer Akl Yazbeck has won the 11th edition of the Émilie-Poucan Award at the 2021 Dakar Rally that was held in Saudi Arabia. The jury this year exceptionally chose two photos for the award, ...

No Ramadan Vibes in Tripoli This Year

4 years ago
#RamadanLens is a yearly online photography exhibit for the holy month, aiming to display a Ramadan-themed picture on a daily basis throughout the month with a short backstory. Our friend and Tripoli-based photographer Natheer Halawani ...

Astrophotography in Lebanon During Lock-down

4 years ago
Indoor hobbies have boomed during lockdown, and Deep Sky Astrophotography was no exception. One would think this personal hobby is an outdoor activity by excellence (I used to be one of those), but imaging the ...