6 years ago
We have a Lebanese real-life version of the “Terminal”, whereas a 56-year old Lebanese has been stuck in an Ecuadorian airport for the past 42 days, and the Lebanese authorities have just learned about him! ...
7 years ago
Check out this show hosted by on Tele Liban by Zaven Kouyoumdjian where he’s introducing the internet to the viewers. I love how they’re asking people to “subscribe” to the internet service (email) to communicate ...
Movies & Television
7 years ago
“Dunkirk” is labeled as a war film but it’s very different from every war film I’ve seen in the past decade. There’s barely any dialogue, no emotions, no flashbacks, no character backstories, no war rooms ...
7 years ago
Stefano Fallaha may be Lebanon’s and the Middle East’s youngest entrepreneur and he was just nominated to represent Lebanon and the American University of Beirut at the 2017 Global Student Entrepreneur Awards. Making it to ...
8 years ago
Marquis Lewis, known as Retna, is an American contemporary street artist of African-American, El Salvadorian and Cherokee descent. During the holidays, Loft Investments by Ayad Nasser in partnership with curator19.90 flew in Retna to Beirut ...
8 years ago
Update [Sept 27, 2017]: The Jabara family was interviewed by CNN, where they ask how many red flags one must raise to prevent further killings. They don’t understand how a violent felon was able to ...
8 years ago
Ziad Sankari was 17 years old when his father died of a heart attack. Ever since, Ziad has dedicated his career to cardiac care and has founded in 2012 CardioDiagnostics: an award-winning medical technology innovation ...
8 years ago
The New York Times published a list on the World’s coolest, Most Cultured New Malls and featured the new Aishti contemporary museum that opened back in October 2015. I’ve been to that new complex a ...
8 years ago
One year ago, I shared a lengthy post on the Telecom Ministry’s 2020 plan and mentioned that fiber optics are expected to be deployed within 5 years while 4G/LTE coverage was expected to all over ...
8 years ago
The Ministry of Culture officially launched on Wednesday the Virtual National Museum of Modern Art in Lebanon. This is the first museum of its kind in Lebanon and will feature over 800 artworks including paintings ...